Professor Alex Holznienkemper

Honors Faculty Award 2023
Alex Holznienkemper

Each year, members of the University Honors Program have the opportunity to nominate their professors for the Honors Faculty Award. In 2023, students nominated the faculty from 30 different Honors Discovery courses as deserving of this recognition. Within this crowded field, the award went to Alex Holznienkemper, Senior Lecturer in German, who teaches "What Is a Criminal?" (HUMA 444E) for the Honors Program. "I always felt challenged to be more creative and thoughtful, and I'm a better critical thinker as a result. He pushed students to reach their fullest potentials and always went the extra mile to help us succeed," wrote one nominator. Another wrote that "his passion and energy were inspiring, so much so that I wish this class was required for everyone."