Information about summer construction

Monday, May 20, 2019

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Monday, May 20,  begins the start of many construction projects on campus.  With major projects such as the Spaulding Hall renovation and Main Street resurfacing, there will be numerous buildings, streetscape and utility projects affecting roadways, pathways, buildings and parking areas around campus.

Also, June brings many exciting events on campus, such as new student orientation, summer camps and other special events. UNH Facilities, along with Transportation Services and the UNH Police, will do our best to apprise the community of the dynamic impacts of all of these projects.

Below are resources available to assist you.
Construction Map 
Parking News 
UNH Campus Alerts 

Thank you in advance for your patience during our accelerated summer construction schedule as we embark on many projects to improve the UNH Durham campus.

Please welcome all of our campus visitors and incoming Wildcats and enjoy the summer!

William Janelle
Associate Vice President