Tuesday, October 10, 2017

We have some exciting news to share! The Center for Impact Finance (CIF) at the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey School of Public Policy has been selected to receive $222,000 from JPMorgan Chase & Co. to provide customized assistance to three Community Development Financial Institution (CDFIs) Collaboratives that applied to their 2017 Partnerships for Raising Opportunity (PRO) Neighborhoods annual competition.

CIF will provide training workshops for participating CDFIs to share best practices and new strategies to help strengthen their overall performance. We will also perform an evaluation of JPMorgan Chase’s local Small Business Forward CDFI portfolios to determine their impact on small business outcomes. 

At a time when economic growth is often directed toward reviving commercial corridors and downtowns, many neighborhoods, families and small business owners are being left behind. As several key barriers to economic mobility are rooted in neighborhood conditions, cities need tailored, comprehensive strategies for economic growth that ensure opportunities to prosper are extended to distressed neighborhoods and the families that live there.

We are excited to engage with JPMorgan Chase on this work. If you have questions please visit their website here or contact Michael Swack at michael.swack@unh.edu or 603 862-3201.