Program Featured In Winter 2017 Issue of UNH Magazine

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Daniel Webster Scholar (DWS) Honors Program, a first-of-its-kind program in the country allowing students to graduate client-ready without the need to take the traditional two-day bar exam, will graduate its 10th class this spring. In that relatively short amount of time, the program has earned numerous national accolades and has been the subject of a study that concluded third-year DWS students were outperforming lawyers licensed to practice law for up to two years.

The program can also count among its successes a healthy pipeline to JAG programs throughout the branches of the military. DWS has had students accepted into JAG programs in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force, all within the first nine years of producing graduates. The story is featured in the Winter 2017 Issue of UNH Magazine.

“The program is very experiential, and the military is very experiential,” Garvey says. “The program attracts people who like hands-on experiences, people who like challenges; it has a lot to do with professionalism and loyalty, and I think people attracted to the program often find the idea of being in the JAG corps appealing. The military does a lot of simulation, and that’s what the Daniel Webster Scholar program does — it gives people simulated experience and real experience. It’s all about being client-ready. When graduates enter the JAG corps, that’s exactly what they expect.”

Click here to read the full feature on the DWS program and its impact on JAG programs in the Winter 2017 issue of UNH Magazine.

To learn more about the Daniel Webster Scholar program, click here.