Thursday, June 23, 2016

How does a state with the motto “Live Free or Die” and a celebrated legacy of abolitionism confront and understand its participation in slavery, segregation, and the neglect of African-American history? A new film seeks to answer the question: What happens when we move toward a fuller understanding of our history by including all voices?

From New Hampshire Public Radio: With its 'lily-white' reputation, the Granite State doesn't often highlight the role that people of color have played throughout its history. A new documentary aims to reveal those hidden stories though, and their importance to the state's history. "Shadows Fall North," produced by UNH's Center for the Humanities in partnership with Atlantic Media Productions, was made possible through donor support from individuals and organizations such as New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, the Saul O Sidore Memorial Foundation, and many others.

Listen to the New Hampshire Public Radio interview with UNH professor David Watters.