Step inside the office of UNH's only puppetry instructor, Carol Fisher

Thursday, June 19, 2014
carol fisher, puppet faculty, office collage

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If visitors don't know ahead of time that Carol Fisher (below) has a thing for puppets, they certainly get the memo the instant they open the door to her office in the Paul Creative Arts Center. Hundreds of puppets—from delicate paper shadow puppets to oversized foam
figures—crowd bookcases and shelves and the ledge behind Fisher's desk. UNH's only puppetry instructor and one of a handful in the country, Fisher has been accumulating her collection for more than 20 years, a mix of student projects, puppetry conference purchases, and her own handiwork. In this second installment in an occasional series about UNH professors' natural habitats, Fisher takes us on a quick tour of some of her favorites.

Originally published by:

UNH Magazine, Spring 2014 Issue


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