Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Debbie Dutton

Two themes run through the donor stories in this issue of IMPACT: the desire to make a material difference for UNH students and the desire to honor individuals who have benefited others’ lives. What these themes have in common is a transformational spirit of generosity.

I’m so proud to be part of a university whose hard-working students, innovative programs and dedicated faculty give donors the confidence to invest in them. I’m delighted to be part of a family that has been embraced by legendary Wildcats who have chosen to create inspired legacies. And I’m honored to work every day with donors like you who are making UNH even stronger.

I hope that in the pages that follow, you recognize yourself and perceive the extraordinary philanthropic community you belong to. The magic of that community is exemplified by Harriet Forkey ’54,’67G and Jere Lundholm ’53, recipients of the 2019 Hubbard Award for Service to Philanthropy, whose abiding love for UNH is truly inspiring.