Thursday, July 19, 2018
UNH Manchester's new housing option, UNH Downtown Commons

Mike Decelle, dean of UNH Manchester, spoke to The Hippo last week about the college's new housing option in downtown Manchester, which opens this fall. An excerpt of the article is below, and you can read the full piece here.

The latest tenant on Elm Street in Manchester is a familiar face around town. Beginning this fall, the University of New Hampshire at Manchester will open the UNH Downtown Commons to provide students with a housing option in the heart of the city.

UNH had previously partnered with the New Hampshire Institute of Art on Concord Street to house about eight to 12 students each year. Increased demand prompted the university to purchase space for the commons at 1000 Elm St. next to Brady Sullivan Plaza, about a half-mile walk from campus at 88 Commercial St.

“Traditionally, we’ve been considered a commuter campus, but some of our programs have become known outside of a driving radius,” said Mike Decelle, dean of UNH Manchester. “We’ve had an increased need to provide more housing options for our students, which led us to secure our own space.”

Read the full article on The Hippo