Thursday, March 28, 2013

On March 28, 2013, the UNH Undergraduate Committee for Study Abroad unanimously approved the UNH-Managed Semester Chinese Program in Chengdu.


1. What does this mean?

This means that starting the spring of 2014, students from UNH (including those at UNH-M, UNH Law School as well as other state colleges) will be able to have a chance to study for a semester in Chengdu, China if they meet UNH Study Abroad eligibility requirements. Once accepted, students pay UNH tuition but study at CDU (Chengdu University). Since room and board is much more inexpensive over there, students could actually save money by studying in Chengdu. Students can transfer back 16 UNH credits upon successful completion of the program. Students can also choose to take 1-2 subject area courses other than Chinese if they could get pre-approval from their perspective colleges before departure.

2. Who runs the program in Chengdu, China?

This program will be run by a UNH site director. CI-UNH Co-director Yige Wang will be the site director for 2014. All other adjunct faculties from CDU will be those who have taught at/for UNH before.

3. What are the UNH equivalents of courses taught in the program, including major and General Education requirements?

CHIN 425 Chinese Society and Culture, CHIN 521 Classic Chinese Lit, CHIN 401, 402, 503, 504, 631, 632 plus CHIN 400 could be taught on site depending on student needs. CHIN 503, CHIN 504, CHIN 631, CHIN 632, CHIN 425 and CHIN 521 make up a Chinese Minor (pending approval).

4. What languages will be used in instruction?

CHIN 425 Chinese Society and Culture and CHIN 521 Classic Chinese Lit will be taught in English. CHIN 401, 402, 503, 504, 631, 632 plus CHIN 400 will be taught in Chinese.

5. Where will the students live?

Students will be living in CDU dorms designed for foreign students. They could opt for single and double rooms with slight price difference. CDU usually assigns each student with a Chinese conversational partner.

6. What will be the departure time?

For the 2014 program, the group will depart on Feb 10th, 2014 together and return on June 9th of 2014 if they wish to travel with the UNH Summer group or return around May 25th.

7. What will be the time line for the application?

09/05/13—Application opens
10/15/13—Application deadline
TBA - Deposit deadline
12/10/13 – 1st info session
12/15/14—2nd info session and deposits and passports due
01/25/14—3rd info session
02/10/14—Group departs for CDU together with the faculty.

Applications will be processed by the COLA Center for Study Abroad. A complete application will include:
• Study Away Student Eligibility form
• COLA Study Abroad Application form (asks for basic contact, academic, and emergency contact information
• Chengdu Spring Program Supplement form (asks for Chinese course history and essay
• Unofficial transcript(s)
• Passport-sized photo
• Photocopy of bio page of passport

8. What are the objectives of this program?

The primary objectives of this UNH-Managed Spring Semester Chinese Program in Chengdu are to enable the upper level students in the Chinese language program as well students in other colleges to spend a full semester in China. This will help the students learn Chinese language and culture first hand. Chengdu has a population of 14 million! It is one of the most advanced metropolises in China's Southwest. Students immersed in such a city for a semester will not only improve their language skills but will also gain insights beyond what they could learn in classrooms in the U.S. They will have a chance to see the challenges and opportunities facing Chengdu and to compare and contrast China policies and practices to those in U.S. Such experience will no doubt help them with their future careers.

9. Where is Chengdu University?

Chengdu University (CDU), run by the Chengdu Municipal Government, is a comprehensive university offering regular undergraduate education and benefits from the system of educational provision jointly administered by relevant competent authorities of either Sichuan Province or Chengdu City. Since its foundation nearly 30 years ago, CDU has grown into a comprehensive city-based university with over 30,000 students. It partnered with UNH in the establishment of the Confucius Institute at UNH. Since 2010, CDU has sent 9 of its faculties to help teach Chinese language and culture at UNH. There has been student and faculty exchange in the past two years. UNH has collaborated with CDU at many levels. Many top UNH administrators have since visited CDU including President Huddleston, Dean Fuld of the College of Liberal Arts, and officials from CIE, etc. Currently, there are 4 UNH exchange students at CDU for the spring semester. We will be sending a group of 9 students to our summer program in May of 2014.