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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2008-2009

College of Life Sciences and Agriculture


Animal Sciences (ANSC)


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Professor: William E. Berndtson, William A. Condon, Thomas L. Foxall, Charles G. Schwab, Robert L. Taylor Jr., Paul C. Tsang
Affiliate Professor: Ronald E. Rompalla, Martin Stokes
Associate Professor: Patricia D. Bedker, Elizabeth P. Boulton, Peter S. Erickson, David H. Townson
Affiliate Associate Professor: John A. Ryan, Arthur F. Stucchi, Mark R. Windt
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Donald Collins, Hubert J. Karreman, Bo Rueda, John S. Sava, Glenn T. Shwaery, Nathan L. Smith, James Sulikowski, Ellen Whittemore
Clinical Professor: Joseph J. Moore, Roger E. Wells
Clinical Assistant Professor: Alice D. Roudabush
Veterinary Pathologist: Alice D. Roudabush

For courses, see also Nutritional Sciences and Medical Laboratory Science.

The undergraduate animal sciences program at UNH provides students with fundamental and applied education in nutrition, reproduction, genetics, physiology, pathology, cell biology, and large animal management. Courses are offered in all areas of dairy and light horse production.

The Department of Animal and Nutritional Sciences has four major degree programs. They are a) animal sciences with options in equine sciences (equine industry and management, therapeutic riding, and equine science), bioscience and technology, and preveterinary medicine; b) dairy management; c) medical laboratory science with options in clinical chemistry, hematology, immunohematology, and microbiology; and d) nutritional sciences. The department is housed in Kendall Hall, a five-story animal science facility. This building houses the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Lab; an electron microscopy facility; and nutrition, physiology, and cell culture labs, all of which provide opportunities for students interested in basic animal sciences. The department maintains a light horse center and offers an equine program with courses in management, equine diseases, equine discipline, physical performance, and horsemanship specializing in dressage and combined training. Dairy facilities include housing for more than one hundred milking-age cows in the new $1.6-million Fairchild Dairy Teaching and Research Center. Responding to a need by farmers for scientific research to support organic dairy efforts, UNH is the first land-grant university to have an organic dairy farm. It is a research center for organic production and management and an education center for organic dairy farmers, farmers considering the transition to organic, and students of sustainable agriculture. The organic dairy is housed at the Burley-Demeritt Farm. Miniature swine are maintained at the Burley-Demeritt farm.

The animal sciences degree has three program options: 1) equine sciences, 2) bioscience and technology, and 3) preveterinary medicine. In addition to satisfying the specific requirements of the major and options, all animal science majors must complete the University general education requirements.

The UNH equine sciences option offers a unique and well-rounded program of study to students pursuing a career in the horse industry. The equine program’s outstanding physical facilities are complemented by a strong, science-based curriculum taught by an experienced and talented faculty.

Students graduating from the UNH equine program receive a B.S. in animal science with a concentration in equine science. The core curriculum of study provides students with a solid background in the biological and equine sciences. Students then choose one of three tracks for career specialization: I) Equine Industry and Management, II) Therapeutic Riding, III) Equine Science.

Students in the bioscience and technology option often specialize in nutrition, reproduction, genetics, or cell biology. This curriculum prepares students for advanced training in graduate school programs or in various medical professions; entry-level positions in biomedical, biotechnical, pharmaceutical, and other scientific companies; or technical positions in many research and medical units.

The preveterinary medicine option is designed to meet the academic requirements of most veterinary schools. Requirements may be met within three years, allowing students to apply to veterinary school during their senior year. However, most students finish their senior year, thus allowing more time for electives, concentration in areas of secondary interest, and completion of graduation requirements.

Employers in agriculture prefer to hire an agricultural graduate with extensive knowledge in a related field (e.g., computer science) rather than a graduate in one of these areas with no knowledge of agriculture. Hence, animal science students are encouraged to obtain training in a field that complements study in animal sciences. Such areas may include cell biology, biotechnical skills, communications, computer science, education, or business. This is generally accomplished by either taking a concentration of courses or obtaining a minor in a specialty area. Attainment of sufficient training in a specialty area enhances opportunity for employment. A careers course is offered to help students select and prepare for a particular career area.

Development of optional career goals is important for preveterinary students. Admission to schools of veterinary medicine is highly competitive. Therefore, students in this option are urged to prepare for alternative careers as they complete preveterinary requirements.

All animal science majors are required to complete ANSC 406; CHEM 403 and 404*; and ENGL 501 (or ENGL 419, 502, or 503; or ANSC 543). In addition, the requirements in one of the three following options must also be completed:
*Equine students exempt.

Bioscience and Technology Option
BIOL 411-412; PHYS 401-402; MATH 424B and BIOL 528 (or SOC 502 or PSYC 402); MICR 503 or BIOL 541; ANSC 511-512 or ZOOL 518 and 625/626; CHEM 545 or 651-652; BIOL 604; BCHM 658/659 or 751-752; ANSC 750 and one 700-level ANSC course.

Equine Science Option

Requirements for all Equine students
AAS 237, Equine Handling and Care Techniques
ANSC 404, Intro to Equine Sciences (waived for TSAS equine management graduates)
ANSC 406, Careers in Animal Science
ANSC 600, Field Experience (waived for TSAS equine management graduates)
ANSC 697, Equine Seminar (waived for TSAS equine management graduates)
BIOL 528, Applied Statistics
ENGL 501, Intro to Prose Writing (or ENGL 419 or 503 or ANSC 543)
EREC 411, Resource Economics Perspectives

Track I—Equine Industry and Management
Core Courses
AAS 228, Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
AAS 239, Fundamentals of Animal Health
ANSC 432, Animal Forages
AAS 235, Animal Nutrition
AAS 246, Animal Business Applications
ANSC 620/622, Equine Diseases
ANSC 625, Equine Sports Medicine and Lameness
ANSC 724, Reproductive Management and Artificial Insemination
BIOL 412, Principles of Biology II
EREC 504, Business Management for Natural Resource Firms

Track Options (choose 5 of the following)*
AAS 226, Equine Conformation and Lameness
AAS 247, Applied Equine Management
AAS 253. Equine Competition Management
ADMN 502, Financial Accounting
ANSC 420/444B, Horse in History
ANSC 507, Colt Training
ANSC 565, Principles of Horse Trials Management
ANSC 602/444, Animal Rights
ANSC 640, Principles of Riding Instruction
ANSC 641/642/643, Teaching Specialties
ANSC 701, Physiology of Reproduction
EREC 501, Agriculture and Natural Resource Product Marketing
RMP 554, Recreational Business Management
MGT 580, Introduction to Organizational Behavior
ZOOL 713, Animal Behavior
*For classes less than 3 credits, 2 must be taken together to count as 1 requirement.

Suggested electives
AAS 234, Equipment and Facilities Management
AAS 278, Applied Animal Science Computer Applications

Track II—Therapeutic Riding

Track Requirements
AAS 226, Equine Conformation and Lameness
AAS 247, Applied Equine Management
AAS 252, Equine Health Management
or ANSC 620/622, Equine Diseases and Disease Clinic
ANSC 500, Methods of Therapeutic Riding
ANSC 795, Investigations
BIOL 412, Principles of Biology II
EREC 504, Business Management for Natural Resource Firms
or AAS 246, Animal Business Applications
ZOOL 507/508, Human Anatomy and Physiology

Track Options (choose 5 of the following)
ANSC 507, Colt Training
ANSC 640 & 643, Teaching Specialties
CSL 202, Introduction to Nonprofit Organizations
CSL 207, Introduction to Non-profit Budgeting and Accounting Practices
CSL 208, Essentials of Fundraising for Community-Based Organizations
CSL 209, Essentials of Grant Writing for Community-Based Organizations
COMM 520, Survey of Communication Disorders
or COMM 533, Sign Language
HHS 740, Collaborative Services for Children with Special Needs
MGT 580, Introduction to Organizational Behavior
OT 510, Exploring Occupational Therapy and Occupation
OT 500, The Behavior and Development of Children
or FS 525, Human Development
RMP 501, Recreation Services for Individuals with Disabilities

Suggested electives
AAS 254, Animal Assisted Activities and Therapy
AAS 251, Human/Animal Bond
AAS 278, Applied Animal Science Computer Applications

Track III—Equine Science

Track Requirements
ANSC 511/512, Anatomy and Physiology
ANSC 609, Principles of Nutrition
ANSC 612, Genetics of Domestic Animals
ANSC 620, Equine Diseases
ANSC 622, Equine Disease Clinic
ANSC 625, Equine Sports Medicine and Lameness
ANSC 724, Reproductive Management and Artificial Insemination
or ANSC 701, Physiology of Reproduction
BIOL 411/412, Principles of Biology I and II
CHEM 403/404, General Chemistry

Track Options (choose 5 of the following)
AAS 226, Equine Conformation and Lameness
AAS 235, Animal Nutrition
AAS 239, Fundamentals of Animal Health
ANSC 432, Animal Forages
ANSC 701, Physiology of Reproduction
ANSC 704, Principles of Pathobiology
ANSC 718, Mammalian Physiology
ANSC 724, Reproductive Management and Artificial Insemination
ANSC 750, Nutritional Biochemistry
BCHM 658/659, General Biochemistry and General Biochemistry Lab
BIOL 604, Principles of Genetics
CHEM 545/546, Organic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Lab
ZOOL 713, Animal Behavior

Diploma program providing preparation for NARHA certification
ANSC 404, Introductory Equine Science
or AAS 237, Equine Handling and Care Techniques
ANSC 402, Horsemanship
KIN 501, First Aid-Responding to Emergencies
ANSC 500, Methods of Therapeutic Riding
ANSC 795, Investigations, and a seminar on teaching therapeutic riding

Pre-veterinary Medicine Option
BIOL 411-412; PHYS 401-402; MATH 424B; BIOL 528; MICR 503; ANSC 511-512; BIOL 604; CHEM 651/652 and 653/654; BCHM 658/659; ANSC 750 and one 700-level ANSC course.

(For course requirements for the B.S. degree in dairy management, see Dairy Management.)

General Science Certification
See Department of Education and COLSA/Degrees.

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Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BCHM)


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Professor: Thomas E. Brady, Richard H. Cote, Clyde L. Denis, Thomas M. Laue, Stacia A. Sower, William R. Trumble
Research Professor: Vernon N. Reinhold
Affiliate Professor: William G. North, Stuart A. Tobet
Associate Professor: John J. Collins, Anita S. Klein, Andrew P. Laudano, W. Kelley Thomas
Assistant Professor: Deena J. Small
Research Assistant Professor: Kevin Culligan, Jennifer Durant
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Gary B. Smejkal

The field of biochemistry and molecular biology encompasses a broad range of the molecular life sciences, from biophysics and biochemistry to applied biology and medicine. The B.S. in biochemistry is based on a solid foundation in biology, chemistry, physics and math, along with advanced courses in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics. The combined B.S.-M.S. degree program allows outstanding students with well-defined career plans to augment their bachelor’s degree program with an intensive research program and graduate-level course work leading to the master’s degree.

The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology offers specialized training in the areas of molecular genetics, signal transduction, gene regulation, bioinformatics, molecular evolution, cancer biology, macromolecular interactions, glycobiology, lipid metabolism, endocrinology, genomics, and proteomics. Undergraduate students are encouraged to become involved in research projects sponsored by external granting agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and others.

Students interested in the biochemistry major should consult with the department chairperson or a faculty member as early as possible to ensure the most effective curricular planning.

For first-year students with a strong high school preparation in both chemistry and mathematics (including calculus), the following schedule is recommended:


BIOL 411, Principles of Biology I
CHEM 403, General Chemistry I
MATH 425, Calculus I
ENGL 401, First Year Writing

BIOL 412, Principles of Biology II
CHEM 404, General Chemistry II
MATH 426, Calculus II
General education course

For first-year students lacking a strong background in chemistry and mathematics, the following schedule is recommended:


BIOL 411, Principles of Biology I
CHEM 403, General Chemistry I
ENGL 401, First Year English
General education course

BIOL 412, Principles of Biology II
CHEM 404, General Chemistry II
MATH 424B, Calculus for Life Sciences
General education course

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
The bachelor’s degree in biochemistry consists of a set of core requirements (Group I) and a set of required electives from several subject areas (Groups II-V):

I. All of the following
BIOL 411, 412, Principles of Biology I, II
CHEM 403, 404, General Chemistry I, II
MATH 425, 426, Calculus I, II, or
424B, Calculus for Life Sciences and
BIOL 528, Applied Biostatistics I
MICR 503, General Microbiology
BIOL 604, Principles of Genetics
BIOL 605, Eukaryotic Cell and Developmental Biology
CHEM 547/549 and 548/550, Organic Chemistry,
or CHEM 651/653 and 652/654, Organic Chemistry,
or CHEM 545/546, Organic Chemistry
and BCHM 658/659, General Biochemistry
PHYS 401, 402, Introduction to Physics I, II,
or PHYS 407, 408, General Physics I, II
BCHM 751-752, Principles of Biochemistry
BCHM 755, Laboratory in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

II. One of the following molecular biology courses
BCHM 711, Genomics and Bioinformatics
BCHM 766, Environmental Genomics
BCHM 771, Molecular Genetics
BCHM 782, Developmental Genetics
BCHM 790, Current Topics in Biomedicine
GEN 715, Molecular Evolution

III. One of the following biochemistry courses
BCHM 702, Endocrinology
BCHM 750, Physical Biochemistry,
or CHEM 683, 684, Physical Chemistry I, II
BCHM 763, Biochemistry of Cancer
BCHM 794, Protein Structure and Function
BCHM 790, Current Topics in Biomedicine

IV. One of the following laboratory techniques courses
BCHM 754, Laboratory in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Nucleic Acids,
or BCHM 799, Senior Thesis (4 cr.),
or BCHM 795, Investigations in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (4 cr.)
ANSC 714, Research Methods in Endocrinology,
or ANSC 751, Cell Culture
CHEM 756, Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory,

MICR 602, Pathogenic Microbiology,
or MICR 704, Genetics of Prokaryotic Microbes,
or MICR 705, Immunology,
or MICR 706/708, Virology and Virology Lab,
or MICR 717, Microbial Physiology
PBIO 753, Cytogenetics
PBIO 774/775, Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

V. One additional course from groups II-IV
The biochemistry curriculum provides most of the required and recommended courses for students seeking admission to professional schools in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy. Students who major in biochemistry can also use their training in conjunction with advanced degrees in law and business.

Approximately 50 percent of the students who graduate with a major in biochemistry seek advanced degrees. Many biochemistry majors go on to attend graduate school in all areas of the life and biomedical sciences, especially graduate programs in genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, and chemistry. Recipients of an M.S. degree are more attractive to employers and often obtain better positions, greater salaries, and more responsibility and independence. A Ph.D. degree is eventually required for those who wish to direct research programs, be involved in state-of-the-art scientific research, become a professor in a college or university, or obtain an executive position in a science-related area of industry or government.

Students obtaining the B.S. in biochemistry enjoy excellent job prospects immediately upon graduation. There is currently a demand for skilled research technicians in biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, forensics, academic research laboratories, and hospitals. Students graduating in biochemistry have knowledge that is valuable in the fields of management, sales, marketing, regulatory affairs, technical writing, and scientific journalism. With additional courses in education, the B.S. in biochemistry also qualifies graduates to teach at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels.

A combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Biochemistry
This is a five-year program leading to a combined bachelor and master’s degree in biochemistry. It is designed for highly motivated and qualified students seeking additional training to further their career goals as a researcher in the life sciences.

Admission Policy
Admission to the combined degree program is highly competitive. Students wishing to pursue this option must have a grade-point average greater than 3.20 at the time of application. A thesis adviser must be identified during the junior year, and the approval of the adviser and department chairperson must be obtained. Prior to the first semester of the senior year, the student must formally apply to the Graduate School and receive early admission. The requirement for the Graduate Record Examinations is waived for combined degree applicants.

Thirty credits of graduate level (800-900) coursework (including dual credit courses) must be completed. Six to 8 credits must be taken during the senior year, and are applied to both the B.S. and M.S. requirements. All other requirements for the M.S. degree (see Graduate School catalog) must be followed, including completion of preliminary exams, conducting a research project, and passing an oral examination based on the master’s thesis project.

Suggested Program
Because of the intensive nature of the combined degree program, the thesis research project should be initiated as early as possible. A guidance committee should be established no later than the beginning of the fifth year to approve the student’s proposed course of study. The following schedule is recommended:

Junior year
Identify thesis adviser and begin research project during the summer following junior year.

Senior year
Senior thesis (BCHM 799) during both semesters and the following summer, along with two dual-credit courses (800/900 level).

Fall semester, fifth year
Two 800/900 level courses (6-8 cr.)
BCHM 997 (1 cr.)
BCHM 899 (5 cr.)

Spring semester and summer, fifth year
One 800/900 level course (3-4 cr.)
BCHM 998 (1 cr.)
BCHM 899 (5 cr.)
Special topics (1-2 cr. as needed)

Research should be completed and the master’s thesis defended during the summer.

Students in the B.S./M.S. program are eligible for support through University Financial Aid. Additional support may be available from the student’s adviser.

General Science Certification
See Department of Education and COLSA/Degrees.

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Biology (BIOL)


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Program Director: David H. Townson

The interdepartmental program in biology is designed to provide a strong and a broad background in biological sciences to students interested in education in the life sciences. The biology program integrates theoretical and practical (hands-on laboratory and field work) courses in different aspects of the biology of animals, microbes and plants. The curriculum is designed to reflect the diversity of the biological systems in nature. It encompasses the study of structural and functional relationships of living organisms at the molecular, cellular, and organismal level; the interactions of the living systems with the environment and with each other; and the evolutionary relationships of various forms of life. The goal is to create a facilitative environment for those with a scholarly interest in the biological sciences, and to extend their understanding, awareness, and appreciation of the diversity of the biological sciences.

The program is aimed at promoting excellence in biological science education by involving undergraduate students in strong interaction with faculty both in the classroom and research laboratories, and to encourage the development of high-quality undergraduate programs in all aspects of biology.

The biology program prepares students for graduate work in the biological, medical and agricultural sciences, and for job opportunities in industry (biomedical, pharmaceutical, agrochemical, environmental, and biotechnological) and governmental research, secondary school teaching or a general education about living organisms. Completion of the four-year undergraduate program plus a fifth-year internship will be necessary for biology teaching certification. Students who plan to enter medical, dental, or related professional schools are advised to confer with their faculty adviser to build the requirements for these programs into their academic major.

Courses in the biology program are selected from departments that constitute the biological sciences community at UNH. The flexibility of the curriculum allows students wide selection of courses in various departments. Students in the biology major take a common core curriculum involving introductory and upper level courses. They select one of four areas of concentration. These options are: 1) general biology; 2) ecology, evolution, and behavior biology; 3) marine and freshwater biology; and 4) molecular, cellular, and developmental biology.

While students are advised to declare the biology major as incoming freshmen to assure adequate program planning, transfer into the program at a later stage is also possible. Students who wish to concentrate in a specific area of biological sciences other than the options within the biology program should consider a major in animal science, biochemistry, microbiology, plant biology, or zoology. The biology core curriculum is followed by students in all these programs. This makes changing majors a very simple process.

Biology Core Curriculum
All biology and several of the biological sciences majors begin with the biology core curriculum. The biology courses in the core curriculum constitute an integrated sequence of courses imparting basic knowledge of biology in order to expose the students to the breadth of knowledge inherent in the biological sciences. The biology core allows a student to obtain a broad background in biology and related physical sciences and math. While it is recommended that the core curriculum be substantially completed in the first two years, students are encouraged to consult with their academic adviser to select one or more courses in their major during the sophomore year that may provide a gateway to the major. This may result in delaying one or more of the core courses in the junior year. By the end of the sophomore year, students are expected to have selected a departmental major or one of the four biology options leading to a B.S. degree. These options are: 1) general biology; 2) ecology, evolution, and behavior biology; 3) marine and freshwater biology; and 4) molecular, cellular, and developmental biology.

Biology Core Curriculum Courses
BIOL 400, Professional Perspectives on Biology1
BIOL 411 & 412, Principles of Biology I, II2
BIOL 541, General Ecology
MICR 503, General Microbiology
BIOL 604, Principles of Genetics
CHEM 403 & 404, General Chemistry
CHEM 545/546 Organic Chemistry and BCHM 658/659, General Biochemistry
or CHEM 651/653 and CHEM 652/654, Organic Chemistry3
MATH 424B Calculus for Life Sciences or 425, Calculus I
BIOL 528 Applied Biostatistics I or MATH 426, Calculus II4
PHYS 401 and 402, Introduction to Physics
ENGL 501 (or equivalent), Introduction to Creative Nonfiction3
EDUC 500, Exploring Teaching5

Typically, students take BIOL 400; BIOL 411 & 412; CHEM 403-404; and Calculus 424B in their freshman year, and then complete the remainder of their core requirements during the sophomore and junior years.

In addition to the core curriculum, the requirements for individual options are described separately.
1BIOL 400 is required only for first year biology majors.
2BIOL 411 and 412 are not sequential and may be taken in reverse order.
3CHEM 651/653 and 652/654 and ENGL 501 are required for premedical or affiliated professional programs.
4MATH 426, Calculus II can be substituted for Statistics, but we recommend Statistics.
5Required only for those preparing for teacher certification.

Academic Requirements
To receive the B.S. degree in biology, students must complete 128 credit hours with a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average (GPA). Courses must include all UNH General Education requirements, biology core curriculum requirements, and the requirements for the selected option. A minimum grade of C- is required in all biological science courses that are counted towards the requirements for a degree in biology (all four options). The only exception is that a passing grade below a C- will be accepted in a student’s first biology course (BIOL 411 or 412). Students who expect to compete successfully for post-baccalaureate programs should attain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher by the end of the sophomore year and maintain it at this level.

Students should consult with their academic adviser during their freshmen and sophomore years for assistance in determining the most appropriate option or major for their professional goals. Since biology core courses are required of all biological science majors, it is relatively easy to change majors within the biological sciences during this period.

Note: It is strongly recommended that students participate in an exchange semester at another university or in a field-oriented program or internship. There are many exchange opportunities available in which a full semester of credits toward the major may be earned. In addition, students should explore the courses at the Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML), which provides an excellent setting for several “field-oriented” courses during the summer. Often there is financial support available for the SML programs (see the SML Web site for details ( or the Cornell Web site at It is further recommended that students explore possibilities of one or more semesters of Independent Investigation (research projects). For details, students should contact their adviser or the biology program office. Financial support is available for most of these programs.

Premedical and other pre-health professional students should visit the premedical office in Hood House for additional information on requirements for specific professional schools. The following elective courses will be helpful in preparing for admission to post-baccalaureate programs in the health professions and for their required aptitude examinations: BCHM/ANSC 702, ZOOL 518, ZOOL 625/626, BIOL 605, BCHM 751/752, ANSC 511/512.

One 600, 795, or 796 experience totaling three or more credits or any two 795-796 experiences of two credits each can fulfill one course requirement in any category with adviser’s approval. A Petition for Academic Variance approved by the biology program director is required to count 795-796 experiences for more than one major required course. Students should check the UNH WEBCAT (, the biology Web site (, and the UNH online catalog for updates and current course offerings.

Biology Options
In order to receive a B.S. in biology, a student may choose from one of the four biology options. These options are: 1) general biology; 2) ecology, evolution, and behavior biology; 3) marine and freshwater biology; and 4) molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. A complete list of approved courses in each option is available from the student’s adviser, the biology program office, and the biology program Web site at

The general biology option within the biology major provides broad-based training in the biological sciences for students who prefer not to specialize at the undergraduate level. Students must choose eight courses in addition to the biology core curriculum courses as specified in the categories listed in the option requirements (see Web site Within the biology core, BIOL 528 is preferred to MATH 426; however, either is acceptable, and the sequence CHEM 545/546-BCHM 658/659 is preferred to CHEM 651/653-652/654, for all students in the option, except for those who are pre-health professionals. Corequisite lecture and lab courses count as one course. Courses listed in more than one category will satisfy requirements in only one category.

The marine and freshwater biology (MFB) option provides broad-based training in the aquatic biological sciences for students who prefer to take additional courses in the area of marine and freshwater biology. Students interested in aquaculture and fisheries may also choose this option by taking appropriate courses in consultation with their adviser. Students must choose eight courses in addition to the biology core curriculum courses to fulfill the requirements of this option. All students must take Biology of Lakes (PBIO/ZOOL 717) or Field Studies in Lake Biology (PBIO/ZOOL 719). For additional course requirements, the students should visit the biology Web site at

The molecular, cellular, and developmental biology (MCDB) option provides an opportunity for broad training in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, and the biotechnology area for students who would like to achieve limited specialization in this field. Students interested in the interdisciplinary fields of genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics may also choose this option by taking appropriate courses in consultation with their adviser. This is in addition to broad-based training in the basic areas of biology and related physical sciences covered in the core curriculum. Students choose eight courses from the list of approved courses (available on the Web at in addition to biology core curriculum courses, in order to complete this option. The sequence CHEM 651/653-CHEM 652-654 is preferable to CHEM 545/546 and BCHM 658/659.

The ecology, evolution, and behavior (EEB) option within the biology program provides broad training in organismal and environmental biology, and provides an opportunity for limited specialization in the field of ecology, conservation, evolution, or behavior. Students must choose eight courses in addition to the biology core curriculum to complete this option. All students are required to take ZOOL 690. An additional seven courses should be selected as specified in the list of approved courses ( Within the biology core, BIOL 528 is preferred to MATH 426; however, either is acceptable.

Prehealth Professional Program
Students who wish to pursue postgraduate degrees in the health care professions should visit the premedical advising office in Room 102, Hood House. For more information, call (603) 862-2064 or visit the program’s Web page at

Biology Teacher Certification and General Science Certification
Biology teacher certification for students preparing to teach high school biology may be obtained through the Department of Education’s five-year, undergraduate-graduate degree program. Students are required to take EDUC 500 (preferably in the sophomore year), earn a bachelor’s degree in one of the biological sciences, and complete a fifth year, which includes an internship and coursework leading to a master’s degree in education. General science certification for students preparing to teach science in middle and junior high schools can be obtained through the Department of Education’s general science certification program. For further information, see Education, or contact the Department of Education’s teacher education coordinator.

Biology Minor
A biology minor may be earned by completing the following requirements: 1) BIOL 411-412 or PBIO 412 and ZOOL 412; 2) one course from each of the three major organism groups: a) animals (ANSC or ZOOL courses), b) microbes (MICR courses), and c) plants (PBIO courses); 3) two additional biological science courses at the 600-700 level.

Students interested in a biology major or minor should contact the Biology Program Office, (603) 862-1452.

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Community and Environmental Planning (CD)


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Associate Professor: Kelly L. Cullen
Instructor: Mary Adamo Robertson

The community and environmental planning program prepares students for professional careers as local government administrators, town or regional land-use planners, and community facilitators and educators. It is an applied social science degree program that gives the student an understanding of the interrelated social, economic, political, environmental, and technical factors that influence a community and its residents. The curriculum takes an interdisciplinary approach and includes field experience and internships as vital components that complement classroom and independent research.

Students majoring in community and environmental planning are encouraged to concentrate in one of three areas: 1) community change and development, 2) community public administration, and 3) community and regional planning. These areas of specialty provide the necessary background and training to prepare graduates for entry-level positions with local municipalities and agencies throughout the nation. The program also provides a firm base for graduate study in a variety of areas such as regional planning, public administration, rural sociology, economic development, and law.

A minor in community and environmental planning provides opportunities for students in other areas to better understand the application of their knowledge to specific community issues. The minor complements majors in both technical fields and liberal arts.

Local municipalities in New England are turning to full-time professional administrators to assume responsibility for the day-to-day administration, management, and planning activities that were previously carried out by part-time town officials. Officials at the New Hampshire Municipal Association estimated that New Hampshire needs, each year, at least twenty-five new graduates in community and public administration to fill local government professional needs. In addition to professional administration or planning positions in local or regional government, employment opportunities are also available with public agencies and organizations at the state, national, and international levels.

Students interested in the challenges of community and environmental planning should consult with Kelly L.Cullen, program coordinator, Department of Resource Economics and Development, 309 James Hall, (603) 862-4811.

Required Courses
CD 415, Community Development Perspectives or CSL 201, Intro to CSL
CD 508, Applied Community Development
CD 614, Fundamentals of Planning
CD 777, Topics in Community Planning
CD 794, Community Planning Internship,
or    CD 793, Community Administration Internship
EREC 411, Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
EREC 525, Statistical Methods and Applications
EREC 606, Land Economic Perspectives: Uses, Policies, and Taxes
EREC 627, Community Economics
TOUR 700, Marketing Communications Research: Methodological Foundations
TOUR 705, Ecotourism: Managing for the Environment
or    TOUR 767, Social Impact Assessment
MATH 420, Finite Mathematics
CSL 204, Managing Change and Conflict in Communities
CD 672 New Hampshire Real Estate
POLT 502, State and Local Government
or    POLT 551, Global Urban Politics

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Dairy Management (ANSC)


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Professor: Andrew B. Conroy, Charles G. Schwab
Associate Professor: Peter S. Erickson

The dairy management program, offered by the Department of Animal and Nutritional Sciences, is designed to provide students with solid training in areas important to the successful management of a dairy enterprise, for employment in related agribusinesses (e.g., pharmaceutical and feed industries), or for those wishing to pursue additional training leading to the M.S. or Ph.D. degree in dairy science or its related disciplines. Dairy management students receive training in areas such as nutrition, reproduction, diseases, genetics, lactation physiology, forages, agribusiness finance, personnel management, computer science, and public relations. In addition, junior and senior students enrolled in this program will be given complete responsibility for managing the UNH teaching herd with other students, acquiring actual management experience along with their basic subject matter training. The Fairchild Teaching and Research Center, a modern dairy facility, houses approximately one hundred milking cows plus a similar number of nonlactating animals. The Burley-Demeritt Organic Dairy Farm houses 45 milking cows and a similar number of nonlactating animals.

In addition to general education requirements, a typical dairy management student will take the following courses:

First Year
ANSC 408 (optional), 409, 410, 430; BIOL 411; CHEM 403-404; ENGL 401; EREC 411

Second Year
ANSC 432, 511, 512, 543, 650; CS 401; PBIO 421; EREC 504

Summer Internship
ANSC 600

Third Year
ANSC 609, 612, 530, 650, 701 and/or 715, 710

Fourth Year
ANSC 698, 708, 727, 728; MGT 580 or 713

Students interested in pursuing graduate studies take MATH 424B, CHEM 545-546, BCHM 658-659 and MICR 503 in lieu of PBIO 421 and CS 401.

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Environmental and Resource Economics (EREC)


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Professor: Lyndon E. Goodridge, John M. Halstead, Bruce E. Lindsay
Associate Professor: Alberto B. Manalo, Douglas E. Morris, Robert A. Robertson
Research Assistant Professor: Troy Hartley

This program offers training in environmental and resource economics, including public resource policy, resource management, natural resource and environmental economics, and community economics and finance. The curriculum emphasizes applied economics in the context of public policy. Training is also available in agricultural economics, including agribusiness, small business management, food marketing, agricultural policy, and world food supplies.

Students majoring in environmental and resource economics will normally concentrate in one of the following three areas: environmental and natural resource economics, agricultural economics, or community economics. In addition, students must satisfy general education requirements, which lead to a broad university education. Majors interested in the economic or business aspects of agriculture and natural resources will be expected to take courses in the biological sciences.

Students majoring in any of the social science, life science, and agriculture departments of the University may find it to their advantage to elect courses or a minor in environmental and resource economics or agribusiness. By doing so, their basic training can be supplemented in a specific area of interest, such as resource development and natural resource policy for social science majors, farm management and agricultural marketing for agricultural majors, and community economics and finance for students interested in local government and development.

Required Courses
All of the following
ECON 401, Principles of Economics (Macro)
ECON 605, Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
ECON 611, Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis,
ECON 635, Money and Banking
EREC 411, Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
EREC 504, Business Management for Natural Resource Firms
EREC 525, Statistical Methods and Applications
MATH 420, Finite Mathematics, or MATH 424B, Calculus for Life Sciences

At least five of the following, of which two must be 700 level
EREC 501, Agricultural and Natural Resource Product Marketing
EREC 572, Introduction to Natural Resource Economics
EREC 606, Land Economics Perspectives: Uses, Policies, and Taxes
EREC 611, Marine Resource Economics
EREC 627, Community Economics
EREC 633, Economics of Travel and Tourism
EREC 676, Economics of Water Use and Quality Management
EREC 708, Environmental Economics
EREC 715, Linear Programming and Quantitative Models
EREC 756, Rural and Regional Economic Development
TOUR 700, Marketing Communications Research: Methodological Foundations

Students who major in environmental and resource economics are qualified for a wide variety of opportunities upon graduation. Private business, public institutions, and government agencies currently have a strong demand for specialists trained in natural resource development; land and water use policy; natural resource and small business management; agricultural, fisheries, and forestry marketing; and community development. In many cases, students may wish to improve their qualifications by pursuing more specialized graduate studies in one or more of the above areas.

Departmental Honors
Honors in environmental and resource economics will be awarded to students who complete 16 credits of honors courses in environmental and resource economics (including a minimum of four credits of a senior research project), and who maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.20 in the major. Students interested in the environmental and resource economics honors program should contact the environmental and resource economics coordinator in James Hall for more information.

Students interested in a major or minor in environmental and resource economics should contact John M. Halstead, 324 James Hall, (603) 862-3914.

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Environmental Conservation Studies


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The environmental conservation studies (ECS) major gives students a broad, interdisciplinary background for developing their understanding of environmental and resource problems and what is needed to solve them. It also provides a solid foundation for the development of critical thinking skills. The program is designed to ensure that graduates possess broad-based integrated knowledge of how local and global ecological systems work as well as an understanding of the interdependency between people and the environment. Building on a solid natural science base, students discover how political, institutional, and economic systems relate to environmental quality and learn ways to sustainably manage human activities within the constraints of the Earth’s ecological systems. Students acquire a set of basic skills and problem solving tools that enable them to tackle complex environmental conservation problems. Graduates will have gained hands-on practical experience integrating and applying their accumulated knowledge and skills in real world situations.

International education to support ECS students’ educational goals is encouraged as a means to broaden their perspectives and knowledge, particularly through the UNH-Ecoquest New Zealand Field Studies Program. ECS students may also take advantage of a wide range of undergraduate research opportunities.

ECS students meet a set of 19 CORE requirements, through which they develop a foundation in natural resources, biology, ecology, chemistry, water quality management, soils, natural resources and environmental policy, economics, environmental ethics, and environmental law. They also acquire basic statistics, oral communication, writing and geographic information skills and develop their abilities to apply their knowledge and skills professionally through a practicum (internship) and a capstone course.

In addition to the CORE, each student chooses a 36 credit hour specialization, which may be selected from a range of natural resources and environmental policy and management course sequences that provide a specific focus as each student develops an area of academic competency and the skill sets to help meet her or his career goals. For example, students can choose specializations in the following subject areas: land and water resource policy and management; international environmental and natural resource policy and sustainable development; environmental education, communication, public participation and leadership; or conservation biology. Or a student may, in consultation with his or her adviser, design a specialization.

Students with strong interests in field-based natural resource management careers can choose a focus on a particular land or water natural resource system, such as forest resources, marine and coastal resources, watersheds or wetlands, or food production to build their expertise. Those with wildlife interests and habitat protection may choose conservation biology. Students with interests in environmental policy, politics, law and administration, or sustainable community development may want to gain additional background through selected courses in the social sciences. Those with interests in environmental education may want to obtain a teaching certificate or develop expertise in outdoor education or leadership. Others may want to pursue interests in environmental communication through courses in journalism or the visual or theater arts. Many undergraduates in ECS participate in faculty research or gain experience through UNH’s undergraduate research opportunities programs. Students with particular interests in international environmental studies may want to participate in the dual major in International Affairs.

Students graduating with a B.S. degree in environmental conservation studies, with excellent academic records, are qualified for graduate work in environmental studies, environmental sciences, natural resources and environmental policy, resource management, conservation biology, environmental law, or environmental education and communication. ECS graduates work with private or nongovernmental conservation organizations; local, state or federal natural resources or planning agencies; industrial firms (e.g., waste management, compliance, land protection, watershed management, community planning, energy conservation, etc.); in primary and secondary education; field studies programs; journalism; and specialized environmental consulting firms. A number of graduates also choose to serve in the Peace Corps or with AmeriCorps prior to making more specific career path commitments.

Degree Core Requirements
1. NR 400, Professional Perspectives in Natural Resources

2. NR 401, Introduction to Natural Resources

3/4. PBIO 412, Introductory Botany and ZOOL 412, Biology of Animals
or BIOL 411 and BIOL 412, Principles of Biology I and II

5. Introductory Resource System Course (choose one):
NR 415, Global Biological Change
NR 425, Field Dendrology
NR 433, Wildlife Ecology
NR 502, Forest Ecosystems and Environmental Change

6. Ecology Elective (choose one):
BIOL 541, General Ecology
NR 527, Forest Ecology
NR 660, Ecology and Biogeography of New Zealand (only for UNH-EcoQuest NZ program students)
ZOOL 503, Introduction to Marine Biology

7. EREC 411, Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
or ECON 402, Principles of Economics (Micro)

8. Physical Science (one relevant to specialization):
CHEM 403, General Chemistry
ESCI 409, Environmental Geology
PHYS 401, Intro to Physics

9. NR 504, Freshwater Resources

10. NR 501, Introduction to Soil Sciences

11. NR 602, Natural Resources and Environmental Policy

12. Environmental Ethics and Values (choose one):
NR 701, Ecological Values and Ethics
NR 784, Sustainable Living
PHIL 755, Environmental Philosophy and Policy
HIST 618, American Environmental History
SOC 665, Environmental Sociology

13. One Statistical Skills course:
BIOL 528, PSYC 402, SOC 502 or equivalent

14. One Communication Skills course:
CMN 600, Public Speaking as a Civic Art
EDUC 710B, Micro-communications
THDA 520, Creative Drama (Children’s Theater)
THDA 583, Introduction to Puppetry
THDA 622, Storytelling, Story Theater and Involvement Dramatics
THDA 624, Theater for Young Audiences

15. One Writing Skills course (beyond ENGL 401)
ENG 502, 503, 521, 621, or 623

16. NR 658, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

17. NR 718, Law of Natural Resources and Environment

18. NR 637, Practicum in Environmental Conservation (Internship)

19. NR 735, Land Conservation Principles and Practices,
or NR 663, Applied Directed Research in New Zealand

Specialization (36 credits required)
Students select one from the following listed specialization areas to develop their expertise in an area of interest. Alternatively, a student may, in consultation with the student’s adviser, design a specialization area.

A. Land and Water Resource Policy and Management
B. International Environmental and Natural Resource Policy and Sustainable Development
C. Environmental Education, Communication, Public Participation and Leadership
D. Conservation Biology

For each area of specialization students are required to select one listed course from each of 5 specified categories:

Category 1:  Ecology (a listed 600 or higher level course)
Category 2:  Economics (a listed 600 or higher level course)
Category 3:  Theory (from identified courses relevant to the specialization)
Category 4:  Problem Solving Skills (from identified courses relevant to the specialization)
Category 5:  Professional and/or Field Skills (from identified courses relevant to the specialization)

Students select four additional courses in their Specialization to complete their 36 hour specialization. These four courses may be selected from any of the 5 categories. The majority of courses selected for the student’s specialization should be at the 600 or 700 level. Special permission will be required to apply a 400 level course to fulfill a specialization requirement. Students must achieve a grade of C- or better for all courses they wish to be counted for their environmental conservation studies major. Students work closely with a faculty adviser to plan their program of study.

Students interested in the environmental conservation studies program may consult with the program coordinator Robert Eckert, (603) 862-2508.

Environmental Conservation Studies Minor
A minor in environmental conservation studies (5 courses totaling at least 20 credits) is available to students outside of the environmental conservation studies major.

Required Courses
1. Any one of the following: PBIO 412; ZOOL 412, BIOL 411, BIOL 412

2. NR 435, Contemporary Conservation Issues and Environmental Awareness, or
NR 502, Forest Ecosystems and Environmental Change

3. One course in ecology: Possibilities include: NR 433, NR 425, NR 527, NR 660, BIOL 541

4. One intermediate course in Environmental Policy, Ecological or Resource Economics:
NR 724, Resolving Environmental Conflicts
NR 731, Ecosystem-Based Governance: Policies and Management Strategies
NR 662, Environmental Policy, Planning and Sustainability in New Zealand
NR 718, Law of Natural Resources and Environment
NR 720, International Environmental Politics and Policies for the 21st Century
ECON 607, Ecological Economics
EREC 606, 611, 627 or 676

5. Choose one:
NR 504, Freshwater Resources
NR 501, Introduction to Soil Sciences
NR 661, Restoration Ecology and Ecosystem Management in New Zealand
NR 785, Systems Thinking for Sustainable Living

Students interested in the environmental conservation studies minor should contact Professor Mimi Larsen Becker, Department of Natural Resources, (603) 862-3950.

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Environmental Horticulture (PBIO)


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Chairperson: Garrett E. Crow
Professor: Garrett E. Crow, Thomas M. Davis, Wayne R. Fagerberg, Curtis V. Givan, Leland S. Jahnke, J. Brent Loy, Arthur C. Mathieson, Subhash C. Minocha
Associate Professor: Alan L. Baker, Estelle M. Hrabak, Christopher D. Neefus, James E. Pollard
Affiliate Associate Professor: Janet R. Sullivan
Extension Professor: Alan T. Eaton, Catherine A. Neal, John M. Roberts, Cheryl A. Smith, Stanley R. Swier
Extension Associate Professor: Rebecca C. Grube

For (PBIO) courses, see Plant Biology. For course descriptions, go to

This program offers a flexible curriculum for students interested in a multifaceted view of plant agriculture that also embraces issues of environmental stewardship, food safety, international development, and other topics of broad public concern. A degree in environmental horticulture will prepare students for careers managing greenhouses, nurseries, farms, and golf courses; in teaching; in consulting and applied research; in practicing journalism; in working for park and highway planning commissions; in working in sales or brokerage aspects of wholesale and retail marketing; and in finding employment in food- and feed-processing firms.

Students are required to take the core courses, support courses, and 20 credits of elective courses.

Core Courses
PBIO 401, Plant Biology Orientation 1
PBIO 412, Introductory Botany 4
PBIO 421, Introductory Horticulture 4
PBIO 501, Basic Biochemistry 3
or BCHM 658/659, General Biochemistry 5
PBIO 546, Plants, Soils, and Environment 4
or NR 501, Introduction to Soil Sciences 4
or HT 215, Soils and Land Use 2
and HT 217, Soils and Plant Nutrition 2
PBIO 547, Environmental Horticulture 4
PBIO 572, Plant Propagation 4
or HT 204, Plant Propagation 4
PBIO 566, Systematic Botany 4
PBIO 600, Field Experience (Horticulture Related) 4
PBIO 701, Plant Physiology 3
PBIO 702, Plant Physiology Lab 2
PBIO 612, Plant Genetics and Reproduction 4
or BIOL 604, Principles of Genetics 4
PBIO 651, Plant Pathology 4
or PBIO 653, Forest and Shade Tree Pathology 4
or HT 234, Plant Management 4
PBIO 726, Integrated Pest Management 4
PBIO 797, Senior Seminar 1

Support Courses Required from Other Departments
BIOL 528, Applied Biostatistics I 4
CHEM 403, General Chemistry I 4
CHEM 404, General Chemistry II 4
EREC 411, Environmental and Resource Economic Perspectives 4
ZOOL 745, Biology and Diversity of Insects 4

A minimum of 20 credits should be selected from department courses.
Students are offered some flexibility in selection of electives, although these electives should be related to horticulture and selected in consultation with an adviser.


Students are required to take the core courses, support courses, and 20 credits of approved elective courses.

Core Courses

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits
PBIO   412   Introductory Botany   4  
PBIO   421   Introductory Horticulture   4  
PBIO   501   Basic Biochemistry   3  
or BCHM   658/659   General Biochemistry   5  
PBIO   546   Plants, Soils, and Environment   4  
or NR   501   Introduction to Soil Sciences   4  
or HT   215   Soils and Land Use   2  
and HT   217   Soils and Plant Nutrition   2  
PBIO   547   Environmental Horticulture   4  
PBIO   572   Plant Propagation   4  
or HT   204   Plant Propagation   4  
PBIO   566   Systematic Botany   4  
PBIO   600   Field Experience (Horticulture Related)   4  
PBIO   701   Plant Physiology   3  
PBIO   702   Plant Physiology Lab   2  
PBIO   612   Plant Genetics and Reproduction   4  
or BIOL   604   Principles of Genetics   4  
PBIO   651   Plant Pathology   4  
PBIO   795W-02   Invest.: Insect Pest Management   4  


A minimum of 20 credits (see department for list of electives applicable).
Students are offered some flexibility in selection of electives, although these electives should be related to horticulture and selected in consultation with an adviser.

Support Courses Required from Other Departments

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits
BIOL   528   Applied Biostatistics I   4  
CHEM   403   General Chemistry I   4  
CHEM   404   General Chemistry II   4  
EREC   411   Environmental and Resource Economic Perspectives   4  

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Environmental Sciences


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The College of Life Science and Agriculture (COLSA) and the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS) jointly offer a bachelor of science degree in environmental sciences. Environmental sciences is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the interaction of biological, chemical, and physical processes that shape our natural environment. Students graduating with a degree in environmental sciences have an understanding of these interacting processes, the ability to effectively communicate with both scientific and lay audiences, competency in field methods appropriate for entry-level environmental science positions, competency in the use and application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a basic understanding of environmental policy, and the ability to contribute to multidisciplinary teams. The University of New Hampshire is a recognized leader in environmental sciences research, and the environmental sciences program capitalizes on faculty expertise in this area. The program has 12 full-time faculty members, with major teaching and research emphases in the areas of biogeochemical cycling, environmental chemistry, ecosystem science, global change, hydrology, plant ecology, soil science, and water resource management.

Employment opportunities include: environmental consulting firms; educational facilities (e.g., science centers); environmental monitoring laboratories (e.g., water treatment plants; the Environmental Protection Agency); government agencies (e.g., the U.S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management, Natural Resource Conservation Service), university and government research laboratories, and nongovernmental environmental organizations. The environmental sciences program also constitutes an excellent preparation for graduate programs in several areas relating to the environment. Students should consult with their adviser early if their goals include further study.

In addition to general education requirements, Professional Perspectives in Natural Resources (NR 400), two introductory environmental science courses are required. Foundation courses include two semesters of chemistry (CHEM 403, 404) and calculus (MATH 425, 426), one semester of geology (ESCI 401, 402, or 409), one semester of statistics (MATH 644 or BIOL 528), and one semester of physics (PHYS 407), and one approved biology course. Core courses include Techniques in Environmental Sciences (ESCI 534); Introduction to GIS (NR 658), Fate and Transport in the Environment (ESCI 654); Natural Resource and Environmental Policy (NR 602); and a capstone course (e.g., Senior Thesis).

Students must complete an additional eight courses in one of the following options:

NR 527, Forest Ecology OR BIOL 541, General Ecology
NR 730, Terrestrial Ecosystems
NR 765, Community Ecology
aquatic ecosystems course
four approved electives

PHYS 408, General Physics II
ESCI 561, Surficial Processes
NR 501, Introduction to Soil Sciences or ESCI 512, Principles of Mineralogy
NR 604, Watershed Hydrology
ESCI 705, Principles of Hydrology
ESCI 710, Groundwater Hydrology
two approved electives

Soil and Watershed Management

PHYS 408, General Physics II
NR 501, Introduction to Soil Sciences
NR 604, Watershed Hydrology
NR 703, Watershed Water Quality Management
NR 706, Soil Ecology or NR 744, Biogeochemistry
three approved electives

For a list of approved elective courses and for further information about the major, contact the program coordinator, John D. Aber,  Department of Natural Resources, (603) 862-3045.

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Forestry is the art and science of managing and understanding the natural and human dimensions of forests and forest use. The forestry program is designed to provide graduating professionals with a sound technical preparation and a broad general education. The forest management and forest science options of the forestry major leading to the bachelor of science in forestry degree (B.S.F.) are accredited by the Society of American Foresters (SAF). The SAF is recognized by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education as the accrediting body for forestry in the United States.

Professional foresters are employed by private industry, public agencies, public interest firms, groups, educational institutions, research organizations, and consulting firms. Foresters manage forests, provide for wildlife habitat and forest recreation, protect water and soil resources, and assure a sustainable supply of forest products. Some graduates work toward natural resource protection and the improvement of environmental quality.

Forestry education at UNH focuses on ecosystem management for diversity, productivity and health, based on multidisciplinary collaboration. There are opportunities in international forestry. Many students enter graduate school for advanced training in forest biology or forest management.

Technical, administrative, and managerial skills are required of all professional foresters. This program provides a foundation in scientific knowledge, as well as technical and managerial skills, with elective freedom to cultivate special abilities and interests.

Forestry majors are required to have one summer of forestry work experience (NR 599). While students are responsible for their own summer work, placement assistance is available from the faculty.

In the junior year, students must choose to concentrate in either of the following options (and must earn 20 credits within that concentration to graduate):

Forest Management Option
This option is designed for students who intend to plan a career in forest resource management.

Forest Science Option
In this option, students may specialize in specific forest sciences as background for graduate school or focus their interests in areas other than forest management. Areas of concentration include forest biology, ecology, soil science, watershed management, international forestry, and others. Students in this option are encouraged to minor in the area of their choice.

Freshman Year

BIOL 528, Applied Biostatistics I or equivalent
ENGL 401, First Year Writing
MATH 424B, Calculus for Life Sciences
NR 400, Professional Perspectives in Natural Resources
NR 401, Introduction to Natural Resources
NR 425, Field Dendrology
NR 426, Wood Science and Technology
NR 542, Forestland Measurement and Mapping
PBIO 412, Introductory Botany
One oral communication skills course

Sophomore Year

CHEM 403, General Chemistry
EREC 411, Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives,
or  ECON 402, Principles of Economics (Micro)
NR 433, Wildlife Ecology
NR 501, Introduction to Soil Sciences
NR 506, Forest Entomology
NR 527, Forest Ecology
NR 544, Forest Biometrics
NR 599, Work Experience
General education elective 4, 5, 6, or 8
General education elective 4, 5, 6, or 8

Junior Year

NR 602, Natural Resources and Environmental Policy
NR 629, Silviculture
NR 643, Economics of Forestry
NR 658, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
NR 670, Forest Fire Protection
PBIO 651, Plant Pathology
Professional option
Professional option
General education elective 4, 5, 6, or 8

Senior Year

NR 745, Forest Management
NR 757, Photo Interpretation and Photogrammetry
Professional option
Professional option
Professional option
NR 703, Watershed Water Quality Management,
or  NR 504, Freshwater Resources
General education elective 4, 5, 6, or 8


Students interested in the forestry program may consult with the program coordinator, Theodore Howard, (603) 862-2700.

General Science Certification

(See Department of Education and COLSA/Degrees, pages 35 and 85.)

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Genetics Program (GEN)

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Professor: Thomas M. Davis, Clyde L. Denis, J. Brent Loy, Subhash C. Minocha, Robert L. Taylor Jr.
Associate Professor: John J. Collins, Estelle M. Hrabak, Anita S. Klein, W. Kelley Thomas, Louis S. Tisa
Assistant Professor: Vaughn Cooper, Cheryl A. Whistler
Research Assistant Professor: Kevin Culligan

There is no baccalaureate degree program in genetics. The genetics program offers master’s and Ph.D. degrees in genetics. Undergraduates interested in genetics can pursue their interests within the context of any of the following B.S. degree programs: biology, animal sciences, biochemistry, microbiology, plant biology, or zoology. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to minor in genetics. See for the genetics minor requirements. For course entries in genetics, see course descriptions at, under GEN, as well as relevant courses under the departments and programs listed above. Students interested in preparing for graduate work in genetics at UNH or elsewhere should contact the chairperson of the Genetics Program early in their undergraduate careers for advice on courses.

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International Affairs (dual major)

For program description, see Special University Programs.

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Life Sciences and Agriculture (LSA)

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Medical Laboratory Science (MLS)


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Program Director: Adele Marone
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Ellen J. Dijkman Dukes, Jill Polito
Clinical Assistant Professor: Barry Corriveau, Adele Marone, Elise R. Sullivan
Lecturer: Joyce Stone

The medical laboratory science program provides students with a quality education in the fundamentals of biomedical laboratory science and laboratory skills in addition to a broad-based university general education. The curriculum enables students to determine the presence, extent, or absence of human disease and to provide the valuable data needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment of human disease. The program also provides an excellent background for students intending to pursue careers in the medical field and upon completion of a clinical internship qualifies them to become certified medical technologists.

Baccalaureate degree holders in medical laboratory science are not only highly sought after by hospitals but also by biotechnology companies and biomedical research facilities. Forensics, public health, education, and diagnostic product development, sales, and service are additional areas of employment for MLS graduates. Graduates of the program are also uniquely qualified to continue their post-baccalaureate education in a wide variety of professional programs including physician assistant programs, pathologists’ assistant programs and medical school. They are prepared for advanced studies in many other fields including biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, molecular biology, health management and policy, and business administration.

Students may pursue a Bachelors of Science degree in MLS by following a clinical, research, or pre-professional track. Students obtain detailed curricula information in the Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science course (MLS 401) and in consultation with their academic advisers.

MLS Clinical Track
MLS majors following the clinical track will complete MLS required courses and a 22-26 week clinical internship. Clinical internship positions are not guaranteed and are filled on established criteria published in the MLS Student Handbook, including professionalism, academic performance, interviews, references, and faculty recommendations.

Clinical students may become certified in all areas of the laboratory by completing courses in Advanced Clinical Microbiology (MLS 751), Advanced Hematology (MLS 752), Advanced Immunohematology (MLS 753), and Advanced Clinical Chemistry (MLS 754) during their internship. Upon successful completion of the clinical internship these students are awarded the B.S. degree and are eligible to take a national certification exam offered by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP) or the National Certification Agency (NCA). Clinical students may choose to become certified in only one area of the clinical laboratory by completing either a Clinical Microbiology Internship (MLS 761), a Clinical Hematology Internship (MLS 762) a Clinical Immunohematology Internship (MLS 763), or a Clinical Chemistry Internship (MLS 764). Upon successful completion of the clinical internship these students are awarded the B.S. degree and are eligible to take a national certification exam offered by the ASCP or NCA in their categorical specialty area.

MLS Clinical Track—Academic Requirements and Essential Functions

Students applying for a clinical internship must have obtained a grade of C or better in all MLS courses. These student must also have achieved a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade-point average (GPA) at the time of application for their clinical internship (junior year), and must maintain that minimum until the internship begins. A personal interview at the clinical affiliate is required. This interview evaluates a student’s understanding of the profession, communication skills, maturity, self-confidence, and supervisory potential. Students must demonstrate these attributes to participate in the clinical courses.

The medical laboratory science clinical curriculum is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS). NAACLS requires students in this program to have the following essential functions: a sound intellect; good motor skills; eye-hand coordination and dexterity; effective communication skills; visual acuity to perform microscopic analyses, or read procedures, graphs, etc.; professional skills such as the ability to work independently, manage time efficiently, and comprehend, analyze and synthesize various materials, as well as have sound psychological health and stability. Additional information regarding the essential functions listed above may be obtained by contacting the MLS program director.

MLS Research Track

MLS students following the research track will complete MLS required courses and an undergraduate research project under a faculty mentor, presenting their findings at a UNH undergraduate research conference at the end of their senior year. Upon successful completion of the MLS research curriculum students are awarded the B.S. degree. While they are not eligible to take a national certification exam upon graduation they are qualified to seek a post-graduation clinical internship if they wish to attain certification as a medical technologist or a specialist.

MLS Pre-Professional Track

MLS majors following a pre-professional curriculum will complete MLS required courses and additional courses required for admission to professional programs such as physician assistant programs, pathologists’ assistant programs or medical schools. Since 70-80% of what medical professionals do is diagnose based on laboratory testing results, medical laboratory science program graduates are well prepared for continuing their medical education in professional programs. Upon successful completion of the MLS pre-professional curriculum students are awarded the B.S. degree.

Career Mobility Program

This option is designed to make the B.S. degree in MLS available to certified clinical laboratory technicians, military-trained laboratory personnel, and other individuals with at least two years of full-time recent experience in a clinical laboratory. Career mobility program participants may challenge MLS clinical course requirement through credit by examination. Students interested in the career mobility program should contact the MLS program director.

MLS Minor
Students may obtain a minor in MLS by successfully completing three MLS core courses and two additional approved electives for a minimum of 20 credits. Students interested in the MLS minor should consult the MLS program director.

Required Courses
ZOOL 507 and 508, Anatomy and Physiology
ANSC 754, Molecular Diagnostics
BIOL 604, Principles of Genetics
CHEM 403 and 404, General Chemistry
CHEM 545/546, Organic Chemistry
BCHM 658/659, General Biochemistry
MICR 503, General Microbiology
MICR 602, Pathogenic Microbiology
BIOL 528, Applied Biostatistics or other Statistics course
MLS 602, Seminar
MLS 610, Biomedical Laboratory Management
MLS 640, Phlebotomy Theory
MLS 641, Phlebotomy Clinical Internship
MLS 642/643, Basic Immunology/Serology Lab
MLS 644/645, Hematology/Clinical Hematology Lab
MLS 656/657, Immunohematology and Transfusion Science/Blood Banking Lab
MLS 658/659, Medical Biochemistry/Clinical Chemistry Lab
MLS 660/661, Body Fluids/Body Fluids Lab
MLS 720/721, Mycology, Parasitology, and Virology/MPV Lab

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Microbiology (MICR)


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Chairperson: Aaron B. Margolin
Professor: Aaron B. Margolin, Thomas G. Pistole, Frank G. Rodgers
Research Professor: Michael P. Lesser
Associate Professor: Louis S. Tisa
Assistant Professor: Vaughn Cooper, Cheryl A. Whistler
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Stephen D. Torosian
Clinical Assistant Professor: Elise R. Sullivan

Microbiology explores the world of organisms too small to be seen with the unaided eye. The primary emphasis in the Department of Microbiology is on prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) and viruses. The curriculum provides basic familiarity with microorganisms, their interactions with other life forms (including humans), and their roles in natural systems and processes.

Baccalaureate degree holders in microbiology secure positions in industry (food and beverage, pharmaceutical, bioproducts, etc.); in city, state, and federal agencies (public health, environmental quality, regulatory, etc.); or in universities or research institutes.

The Department of Microbiology offers programs of study leading to the bachelor of science degree. Microbiology is widely recognized as being both a basic life science and a highly pragmatic applied science. The curriculum within the microbiology program is intended to accommodate the diverse needs of potential students. It provides solid training for individuals intending to enter the workforce or to pursue graduate education in the biological sciences, biomedicine, or biotechnology. It also provides for entry into professional programs such as dentistry, human medicine, or, with little additional preparation, veterinary medicine. The curriculum is appropriate for students planning to enter the workforce immediately upon graduation, as research technicians, applied scientists, or in sales or marketing positions in the life sciences or biotechnological industry. The curriculum is also appropriate for transfer students and those planning to pursue a degree in business, including the M.B.A., for careers in managing diagnostic laboratories or in hospital administration.

Other microbiology-related courses offered in the following programs may be taken with an adviser’s permission: animal sciences, biochemistry and molecular biology, plant biology, civil engineering, zoology, or medical laboratory science. Courses in these areas are reviewed periodically by the microbiology faculty to ascertain their suitability for microbiology majors.

Special Problems in Microbiology (MICR 795) is available by permission and allows students the opportunity to conduct semi-independent research projects in conjunction with departmental faculty. Up to 4 credits of Problems in Microbiology may be applied to major requirements, although students may enroll for additional hours. Students must receive a minimum grade of C in major requirements (e.g., microbiology). A passing grade in major requirements taught outside the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (e.g., chemistry, math, or physics) is acceptable.

Students planning to attend graduate or postgraduate professional school or to apply for certification as registered microbiologists through the American Society for Microbiology are strongly advised to take a course in quantitative analysis (CHEM 517-518).

Individuals considering a major in microbiology are strongly encouraged to enroll in MICR 503 and organic chemistry in their sophomore year. Requirements in the biology core curriculum may be deferred until the subsequent year, if necessary.

Students may obtain a minor in microbiology by successfully completing MICR 503 and four additional departmental courses totaling a minimum of 20 credits at the 600 or 700 level. Students must receive a minimum grade of C in major requirements taught in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (e.g., microbiology, biology, or biochemistry). BCHM 658/659 may be substituted for one of these courses. A maximum of 4 credits of Problems in Microbiology may be applied to the minor.

Microbiology Curriculum
The microbiology Bachelor of Science degree is satisfied by students taking seven microbiology courses totaling a minimum of 28 credit hours at a grade of C or above.  Students are required to take the microbiology core (5 classes) and a minimum of two microbiology electives.  Additionally, students must also satisfy the general biology core requirements.

Microbiology Core
MICR 503, General Microbiology
MICR 602, Pathogenic Microbiology
MICR 704, Genetics of Prokaryotic Microbes
MICR 717, Microbial Physiology
A microbial ecology course (this requirement may be fulfilled by taking either MICR 707, MICR 713, or NR 706

MICR 711, Genomics and Bioinformatics
MICR 718, Ethics and Issues in Microbiology
MICR 751, Cell Culture
MICR 702, Infectious Disease and Health
MICR 706, Virology (and 708, Laboratory)
MICR 714, Public Health and Waterborne Diseases
MICR 705, Immunology
MICR 707, Marine Microbiology
MICR 713, Microbial Ecology & Evolution
NR 706, Soil Ecology
MICR 600, Field Experience
MICR 603, Bacteriology of Food (UNHM)
MLS 720/721, Mycology, Parasitology, and Virology
MICR 795, Problems in Microbiology

Biology Core
BIOL 411-412, Principles of Biology I and II
CHEM 403-404, General Chemistry
CHEM 651/653 Organic Chemistry
CHEM 545/546
BCHM 658/659 General Biochemistry
BCHM 751-752, Principles of BCHM with BCHM 755 (lab)
PHYS 401-402, Introduction to Physics I and II
MATH, 424B, Calculus for Life Sciences,
MATH 425 (BIOL 528, or equivalent statistics)
BIOL 604, Principles of Genetics

1.  MICR 795 can be taken for 3-4 credits over 1-2 semester.  Maximum of 4 credits can be applied as one of Microbiology required courses, and it must be a lab experience.  Faculty permission is required.

2.  MICR 600 Field Experience (must be 3-4 credits for meeting major requirements; maximum of 4 credits toward major).  The following criteria must be met:

3.  For students transferring into the microbiology major, the equivalent of two semesters of a laboratory biological science may be accepted with microbiology faculty approval.

4.  Premedical and other pre-health students should take one year of organic chemistry.  

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Natural Resources (NR)


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Professor: John D. Aber, Kimberly J. Babbitt, John E. Carroll, Russell G. Congalton, Robert T. Eckert, Theodore E. Howard, John A. Litvaitis, William W. Mautz, William H. McDowell, Peter J. Pekins, Barrett N. Rock, Andrew A. Rosenberg
Research Professor: Frederick T. Short
Affiliate Professor: Christopher Eagar, Jeffrey H. Gove, Jeffery S. Kahl, William B. Leak, Changsheng Li, Lawrence J. Prelli, Paul Edwin Sendak
Associate Professor: Mimi Larsen Becker, Kelly L. Cullen, Mark J. Ducey, Serita D. Frey, George C. Hurtt, Paul C. Johnson, Thomas D. Lee, Jonathan R. Pennock
Research Associate Professor: David M. Burdick, Stephen H. Jones
Affiliate Associate Professor: J. Matthew Davis, Linda S. Heath, Peter A. Maddison
Assistant Professor: Scott V. Ollinger
Research Assistant Professor: Adrienne I. Kovach
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Matthew J. Baber, Ria Brejaart, Jill L. Bubier, John L. Campbell, Andrew B. Cooper, Richard Hallett, Joel Hartter, Erik A. Hobbie, Mary E. Martin, Bruce S. WildBlood-Crawford, Mariko Yamasaki
Instructor: Bert Cohen

The Department of Natural Resources (NR) at the University of New Hampshire offers a bachelor of science (B.S. degree) in environmental conservation studies, environmental sciences, and wildlife ecology, and a bachelor of science in forestry (B.S.F. degree).

Department of Natural Resources course offerings are designated as NR.

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Nutritional Sciences (NUTR)


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Professor: Gale B. Carey, Joanne Curran-Celentano, Anthony R. Tagliaferro
Associate Professor: Dennis J. Bobilya, Colette H. Janson-Sand
Clinical Assistant Professor: Joanne D. Burke, Ruth A. Reilly
Lecturer: Jesse Stabile Morrell
Extension Professor: Deborah Luppold, Catherine A. Violette

The science of nutrition is the study of nutrients in food and the body’s handling of these nutrients. As an applied science, nutrition is based on biochemistry and physiology but can also include anthropology, economics, genetics, microbiology, pathology, and zoology. Consequently, the nutritionist often cooperates with workers in many different fields. The nutrition program at UNH is designed to permit specialized study in human and/or animal nutrition.

Two curricula are offered to meet the educational needs of students with differing professional aspirations.

Basic Science Curriculum

This curriculum provides students with a solid science background in biology, chemistry, physiology, nutrition, biochemistry, and physics. Upon graduation, students are well-prepared for technically oriented jobs in science. This curriculum is also excellent preparation for students planning further education in graduate school or professional schools of medicine and dentistry. Students in this curriculum are required to complete the biology core curriculum and NUTR 400 and 750; ANSC 511/512 or ZOOL 507/508; MICR 503; BCHM 658/659; and 12 additional credits from recommended courses in nutrition.

Dietetics Curriculum

Approved by the American Dietetics Association (ADA), the dietetics curriculum prepares students to apply for a post-graduate dietetic internship. Completing this internship and passing the ADA examination are essential for becoming a registered dietitian (RD), requisite for employment opportunities in clinical dietetics and community nutrition. Required courses for this curriculum are NUTR 400, 401, 476, 504, 510, 550, 650, 720, 750, 773, 775, and 780; ZOOL 507/508; CHEM 403/404, and 545/546; ENGL 401; HMGT 403; MICR 501 or 503; BCHM 658/659; SOC 500 or PSYC 401; HMP 401; HMP 710; and either PSYC 402, SOC 502, BIOL 528, or HHS 540.

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Plant Biology (PBIO)


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Chairperson: Garrett E. Crow
Professor: Garrett E. Crow, Thomas M. Davis, Wayne R. Fagerberg, Curtis V. Givan, Leland S. Jahnke, J. Brent Loy, Arthur C. Mathieson, Subhash C. Minocha
Affiliate Professor: Clinton J. Dawes, Rakesh Minocha, Walter C. Shortle, Kevin T. Smith
Associate Professor: Alan L. Baker, Estelle M. Hrabak, Anita S. Klein, Christopher D. Neefus, James E. Pollard
Affiliate Associate Professor: Janet R. Sullivan, John C. Wallace
Research Assistant Professor: Dennis E. Mathews
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Jianhua Li
Extension Professor: Alan T. Eaton, Catherine A. Neal, John M. Roberts, Cheryl A. Smith, Stanley R. Swier
Extension Associate Professor: Rebecca C. Grube

Plant biology is the study of plants at the population, organismal, cellular, and molecular level; and the investigation of the uses of plants for food, fiber, recreational, and ornamental purposes. Offerings in marine and freshwater plant biology also are provided and are facilitated by the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory and two marine laboratories where the plant biology faculty maintains an active involvement in teaching and research. The Department of Plant Biology offers three baccalaureate degrees: bachelor of science in plant biology, bachelor of science in environmental horticulture, and bachelor of arts in plant biology. See also programs listed under biology major and marine sciences.

General Science Certification
See Department of Education and COLSA.

B.S. in Plant Biology

This degree is for students intending to seek employment in agricultural, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries; to work in governmental agencies, environmental groups, and consulting firms; to teach secondary education; or to undertake graduate studies in preparation for advanced research and teaching positions. Students interested in university teaching and/or research, and governmental and industrial research, should plan to complete an advanced degree in the field.

Students are required to take the core courses, which include the biology core curriculum, and five plant biology elective courses.

Core Courses

Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits
BIOL   411   Principles of Biology I   4  
BIOL   412   Principles of Biology II   4  
CHEM   403   General Chemistry I   4  
CHEM   404   General Chemistry II   4  
MATH   424B   Calculus for Life Sciences   4  
MICR   503   General Microbiology   5  
BIOL   541   General Ecology   4  
BIOL   528   Applied Biostatistics I   4  
CHEM   545/546   Organic Chemistry and Laboratory   5  
BCHM   658/659   General Biochemistry and Laboratory   5  
PHYS   401   Introduction to Physics I   4  
PHYS   402   Introduction to Physics II   4  
BIOL   604   Principles of Genetics   4  
PBIO   701/702   Plant Physiology and Laboratory   5  
PBIO   758   Plant Anatomy   5  
PBIO   774   Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering   3  
PBIO   566   Systematic Botany    

Plant Biology Electives

Five additional courses must be selected from those listed under categories 1-5. No more than three courses from any one category can be used to fulfill the requirement. It is strongly recommended that students choose courses from as many of the categories as possible to obtain a broad background in plant biology. Core courses cannot be used to fulfill elective requirements. PBIO 795, Investigations in Plant Biology can be used once to fulfill one of the five electives, if taken for 3 or more credits. PBIO 796, Special Topics in Plant Biology can be used to fulfill elective requirements, if taken for 3 or more credits and pre-approved by adviser.

Category 1: Systematics, Ecology, and Evolution
PBIO 566, 625,  717, 719, 721, 722, 723, 747,  761; ZOOL 545; NR 713, 730, 765, 783

Category 2: Marine and Freshwater Plant Biology
PBIO 503, 625, 717, 719, 721, 722, 723, 725, 727, 732,  747

Category 3: Plant Structure and Physiology
PBIO 709, 713, 714/715, 727, 774/775

Category 4: Environmental Horticulture
NR 506; PBIO 546, 547, 565, 572, 650, 651, 652, 678, 679,  ; ZOOL 745

Category 5: Plant Genetics, Cell Biology, and Biotechnology
BCHM 771; GEN 705; PBIO 751, 753, 754,  772, 775

B.A. in Plant Biology

The curriculum provides a broad background in the liberal arts and plant biology. Students may enter this program as freshmen or transfer into it from other liberal arts or science programs. This program is of particular interest to students who intend to utilize their plant biology training in public relations, teaching, or other related careers in combination with a liberal arts background. The program allows students to obtain minors in other fields such as English, history and philosophy of science, international affairs, education, art, etc., to create an interdisciplinary program, or to pursue a double major. Students must complete a minimum of 40 semester credits in the major, including B.A. degree core courses, upper level biology category electives, required general education requirements, and other B.A. requirements.

Upper Level Plant Biology Category Electives
12 credits minimum
Select courses from several of the five plant biology categories (see B.S. program). PBIO 758 and 774 are also recommended.

Required General Education Courses
Required: Group 3, CHEM 403-404, General Chemistry
Recommended: Group 2, BIOL 528, Applied Biostatistics I
Group 8, PHIL 424, Science, Technology, & Society; or HUMA 651, Humanities and Science: The Nature of Scientific Creativity

Other B.A. Requirements
Foreign language (equivalent to one year of college language)


Abbreviation Course Number Title Credits
PBIO   412   Introductory Botany*   4  
ZOOL   412   Biology of Animals   4  
PBIO   501   Basic Biochemistry   3  
or CHEM   545/546   Organic Chemistry and Laboratory   5  
BIOL   541   General Ecology   4  
PBIO   566   Systematic Botany   4  
or PBIO   721   Microscopic Algae   4  
or PBIO   722   Marine Phycology   4  
BIOL   604   Principles of Genetics   4  
or PBIO   612   Plant Genetics and Reproduction   4  
PBIO   701/702   Plant Physiology and Laboratory   5  

*waived if previous credit received for BIOL 411-412 or equivalent


The Department of Plant Biology offers two departmental minors: a minor in plant biology and a minor in environmental horticulture. These minors are available to all students and are designed to provide a flexible and broad selection of courses to complement any other major area of study.

The requirements for the plant biology minor are

PBIO  PBIO 412 or equivalent or BIOL 601, and a minimum of  16 credits from the following list of courses: PBIO 566, 625, 651,  668, 701/702, 709, 713, 714/715 717, 719, 721, 722,  727,  751,  753, 754, 758, 761, 772, 774/775, 795 (maximum of 4 cr.), 796, 799; BIOL 601

The requirements for the environmental horticulture minor are

PBIO  PBIO 421, and a minimum of 16 credits from the following list of courses: PBIO 405, 547, 565, 566, 572, 612, 650, 651, 652,  678, 679, 689, 701/702, 795, 796; BIOL 601

For advice on course selection, students should see the department chairperson.

Departmental Honors

Honors in plant biology or environmental horticulture will be awarded to students who complete 16 credits of honors courses in plant biology courses (including a minimum of four credits in a senior honors thesis project), and maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.20 (overall average and in major coursework). Students wishing to apply to the departmental honors program should consult with the department chairperson.

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Tourism Planning and Development (TOUR)


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Associate Professor: Robert A. Robertson
Instructor: Mary Adamo Robertson

Tourism creates immense economic activity, totaling more than $4 trillion dollars of world spending. Tourism is also an integral part of New England’s economy. Experience has shown that the public and private sectors of the tourism industry benefit substantially from proper planning. Those locations with the best planned and managed tourism developments are likely to be the most successful tourist destinations from the standpoint of providing both high-quality tourist experiences and bringing substantial economic benefits with minimal disruptions to the social and natural environment. In response to these needs, the Department of Resource Economics and Development offers a bachelor of science degree in tourism planning and development from regional and international perspectives.

The tourism planning and development curriculum provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to plan, develop, and manage natural, cultural, and financial resources in an environmentally responsible manner. The program utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to provide students with a strong liberal education supplemented by a broad professional understanding of tourism planning and its role in local, state, national, global economic, and social development. Students study both the social and environmental sciences in order to better understand the complexity of natural and social systems. The program emphasizes the practical application of planning and economic theory to the planning for the development of tourism resources.

Curriculum Structure
All majors must complete a core curriculum and choose one of two concentrations: international development or regional tourism planning.

Core Courses
The core curriculum is composed of the following courses:
TOUR 400, Introduction to Tourism
EREC 411, Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
EREC 501, Agriculture and Natural Resource Product Marketing
EREC 525, Statistical Methods and Applications
CD 614, Fundamentals of Planning
TOUR 615, Tourism Planning and Development
TOUR 633, Economics of Travel and Tourism
TOUR 560, Special Topics (8 credits)
TOUR 700, Marketing Communications Research: Methodological Foundations
TOUR 705, Ecotourism: Managing for the Environment
TOUR 767, Social Impact Assessment
CD 777, Topics in Community Planning
TOUR 794, Tourism Internship
TOUR 794 involves a 14–16 week, full-time, supervised (40 hrs.) internship, and enables students to meet and work in association with representatives from the public and private sectors of the tourism industry.

International Tourism Development Concentration
This concentration area prepares students to work in the dynamic and challenging environment of international tourism development. Depending on interests, language skills, and international experiences, students may expect to find employment in settings such as national tourism offices, international tourism organizations, national and foreign consults, and multinational tourism destination resorts. In addition to the required core courses, students who pursue the international tourism development concentration must complete the following requirements: TOUR 792, International Experience; two TOUR electives; competency in a foreign language (i.e., functional reading, writing, and speaking ability equivalent to the third-year second-semester level); and two additional electives that will enhance students’ career opportunities in the international area.

Regional Tourism Planning Concentration
This concentration area prepares students to obtain professional roles in planning in the public or private sectors of the tourism industry. Depending on interests and technical skills, students may expect to find employment in settings such as local and regional economic development organizations, chamber of commerce offices, convention and visitor bureaus, state and federal offices of tourism development, local and regional planning commissions, and resort communities. In addition to the required core courses, students who pursue the regional tourism planning concentration must complete the following requirements: TOUR 798, Independent Study in Tourism; two TOUR electives; and all the requirements for a minor in community planning.

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Wildlife Ecology


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Professor: John A. Litvaitis, William W. Mautz, Peter J. Pekins

The wildlife curriculum is for students interested in the ecology, conservation, and management of wild animals. It is designed to provide a knowledge of wildlife species and their various forest, field, and wetland habitats. Students are prepared for employment with public and private agencies in wildlife conservation and management, or for continued study at the graduate level.

Fieldwork is carried out during the academic year on local and regional wildlife populations. Majors are assisted and encouraged to obtain summer employment related to wildlife and natural resources.

The degree earned is a bachelor of science with a major in wildlife ecology. The program is administered in the Department of Natural Resources.

Freshman Year
BIOL 411, Principles of Biology I
BIOL 412, Principles of Biology II
ENGL 401, First Year Writing
MATH 424B, Calculus for Life Sciences,
MATH 420, Finite Mathematics
NR 400, Professional Perspectives in Natural Resources
NR 401, Introduction to Natural Resources
NR 425, Field Dendrology
NR 433, Wildlife Ecology
Elective, physical science or General Education elective

Sophomore Year
BIOL 528, Applied Biostatistics I
CHEM 403, General Chemistry
CHEM 404, General Chemistry
ENGL 501, Introduction to Creative Nonfiction,
ENGL 502, Technical Writing,
ENGL 503, Persuasive Writing
EREC 411, Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
NR 527, Forest Ecology,
BIOL 541, General Ecology
NR 655, Vertebrate Biology
NR 658, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
ZOOL 542, Ornithology,
ZOOL 712, Mammalogy,

Junior Year
NR 602, Natural Resources and Environmental Policy
NR 615, Wildlife Habitats
NR 737, Wildlife Population Dynamics
ZOOL 625, Principles of Animal Physiology
ZOOL 690, Evolution, or ZOOL 665, Conservation Genetics
ZOOL 710, Ichthyology,
ZOOL 713, Animal Behavior,
ZOOL 733, Behavioral Ecology

Senior Year
NR 629, Silviculture or equivalent
NR 636, Wildlife Techniques
NR 738, Wildlife Policy and Management

Electives should be used to satisfy remaining general education requirements and the wildlife major requirements in the areas of communication skills and physical sciences (one course in each area-pertinent courses are listed in the detailed wildlife curricular guidelines available from the department).
Students interested in the wildlife ecology major may consult with the program coordinator, Peter Pekins, (603) 862-1017.

General Science Certification
See Department of Education and COLSA/Degrees.

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Zoology (ZOOL)


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Professor: John F. Burger, Donald S. Chandler, James F. Haney, Larry G. Harris, W. Huntting Howell, Marianne Klauser Litvaitis, Michelle P. Scott, James T. Taylor, Charles W. Walker, Winsor H. Watson III
Research Professor: Raymond E. Grizzle, Michael P. Lesser
Affiliate Professor: Ann C. Bucklin
Associate Professor: David L. Berlinsky, Jessica A. Bolker, James E. Byers
Research Associate Professor: Maryellen M. Lutcavage
Affiliate Associate Professor: Pingguo He, Richard Langan
Affiliate Assistant Professor: Michele Dionne, Dwight D. Trueblood, Barry J. Wicklow
Clinical Associate Professor: Mary Katherine Lockwood

The Department of Zoology has a primary responsibility for undergraduate and graduate instruction in fundamental aspects of animal biology, including the principles of form, function, development, and diversity produced by animal evolution. The teaching program provides a broad coverage of basic biological processes in invertebrate and vertebrate animals at the cellular, organismic, population, and community levels. Students receive background for a variety of professional positions in the public and private sector, and for graduate programs in the biological sciences including health-related fields. The department offers the bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, master of science, and doctor of philosophy degrees. Zoology faculty contribute significantly to the biology core curriculum, marine biology minor, animal behavior minor, genetics program, University honors program, ocean projects, and undergraduate research opportunity programs, and courses at the Shoals Marine Laboratory.

There is a strong teaching and research emphasis on ecological and physiological processes in aquatic animals or ecosystems. This focus is enhanced by the geographical location of the University and the availability of facilities for aquatic research. The University’s location and facilities provide unique opportunities for the study of aquatic and terrestrial animals due to its access to the Seacoast and the lakes region of New Hampshire, the White Mountain National Forest, and the presence of two coastal marine laboratories, as well as estuarine and freshwater laboratories.

The zoology major builds from the common background of the biology core curriculum, with ample time for third- and fourth-year students to concentrate in specialized disciplines such as marine and freshwater biology, behavior, cell and developmental biology, ecology, evolution, fisheries, physiology, and neurobiology. Zoology majors must complete 32 credits from courses in the biological sciences approved by the department with a 2.00 average. Students must receive a minimum grade of C- in major requirements taught in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (e.g., zoology, microbiology, biology, biochemistry). A passing grade in major requirements taught outside the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (e.g., chemistry, mathematics, physics) is acceptable. Minimum requirements for the B.S. in zoology are as follows: completion of the biology core courses and required courses in animal morphology, physiology and development, plus advanced electives in zoology and other biological sciences. The B.A. in zoology has a foreign language requirement in lieu of one advanced elective. B.A. students also have somewhat more flexibility when choosing courses from the biology core.

New England Regional Student Program
The bachelor’s degree in Zoology is one of the specialized curricula recognized by the New England Board of Higher Education and participates in the New England Regional Student Program. Under this program, students from the state of Massachusetts receive some preferential admission consideration and, if admitted, pay the UNH in-state tuition rate plus 75 percent. Students who are interested in a zoology major should consult the department’s undergraduate adviser or chair.

General Science Certification

See Department of Education and COLSA/Degrees.

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