PCBE 135

  • Paul College 135 Room Photo
  • Paul College 135 Room Photo
  • Paul College 135 Room Photo
  • Paul College 135 Lectern
  • Paul College 135 Projector
  • Paul College 135 Instructor Computers
  • Paul College 135 iClicker Frequency

This room is under the control of the University Registrar's Office. To request reservation of this classroom, follow the orange link below:

Click here for Reservation Request Form



This room is equipped with an AV system capable of presenting from a laptop, portable device, or installed media equipment.


  • Make sure your device is powered on and awake.
  • Connect your device using the supplied HDMI cable.
  • If your device requires a display adapter, connect adapter to cable first, then connect adapter to your device.
  • If necessary, select your desired source connection on the AV Touch Panel.
Connections Available:


To project wirelessly from your device:


  • Make sure your device is powered on, awake and connected to UNH WIFI.
  • Follow the training guides available on the TeamDynamix Knowledge Base at the link below

*Please note not all features are available on all devices

AirMedia® Icon


AirMedia Guides and Software Downloads


iClicker Response System training:

Use the installed Mac or Windows (PC) instructor computers in this room to connect to the installed iClicker base. Log into the computer and launch the iClicker software to begin. There is no instructor laptop iClicker connection capability at this time.

Launch iClicker software. If necessary, input base station frequency "C D" inside iClicker Course Settings.

For more iClicker information, view the UNH Knowledgebase Articles 

To request iClicker training please fill out a UNH Documentation & Training request Form




Need assistance or want to schedule a one-on-one AV training session?

Call the AV Services Hotline at Ext. 2467 (603-862-2467) at any time.

Active Learning Classroom Type

Equipment List

AirMedia Wireless Presentation
Audience Facing Camera
Ceiling Mounted Microphones
Document Camera
Handheld Microphone(s)
HDMI Connection
iClicker Supported
Installed Mac Computer
Installed Windows Computer
Instructor Facing Camera
Lavalier Microphone(s)
Podium Microphone
Podium Tablet Monitor
Sound System
Student HDMI Connection
Touch Panel Control System
Touch Panel Lighting Controls
Video Conference Camera
Video/Data Projector
Wall Mounted Flat Panel Monitor
Zoom/Lecture Capture