Undergraduate Course Catalog 2008-2009
Special University Programs
Study Abroad Programs 
The University offers opportunities for full-time degree candidates meeting eligibility criteria to study abroad in many foreign institutions. UNH-managed programs are described in this section. Students may study abroad in other locations through UNH-approved programs by using the intercollegiate option (INCO). All students who study abroad pay a study abroad or exchange fee. For information on study abroad programs, students should contact the Center for International Education or the department identified in the UNH-managed program descriptions.
Study Abroad Eligibility
Students enrolled in UNH baccalaureate degree programs may participate in approved study abroad programs provided they meet the following eligibility criteria:
1. must have earned at least 32 credit hours, at least 12 of which must have been earned at the University of New Hampshire at the baccalaureate level;
2. must have a minimum of 2.5 cumulative grade point average at the time of application to and at the time of departure for the study abroad program. Study abroad programs provided by UNH or other approved institutions may have higher minimum GPA requirements;
3. must have a declared major. Transfer students, including transfer students from the Thompson School of Applied Science (TSAS) are not eligible to study abroad during the first semester of their baccalaureate program at UNH.
Students enrolled in the degree programs of the Thompson School of Applied Science may participate in approved study abroad programs appropriate for two-year degree candidates. TSAS students must meet the following eligibility criteria:
1. must have earned 32 credits, at least 12 of which must have been earned at the University of New Hampshire at the associate degree level;
2. must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average at the time of application to and at the time of departure for the study abroad program. Study abroad programs provided by UNH or other approved institutions may have higher minimum GPA requirements.
New England/Québec Student Exchange Program
Students may spend one or two semesters at one of twenty French- or three English-speaking universities in the province of Québec. Eligibility requirements include a command of the language of the host campus, U.S. citizenship, and at least sophomore standing. Contact the Center for International Education, Hood House, (603) 862-2398 or study.abroad@unh.edu.
New England/Nova Scotia Student Exchange Program
Students may spend one or two semesters at one of eleven participating Nova Scotia institutions offering programs in the liberal arts, agriculture, business, engineering, art, and other fields. Eligibility requirements include U.S. citizenship and at least sophomore standing. Contact the Center for International Education, Hood House, (603) 862-2398 or study.abroad@unh.edu.
National Student Exchange
Additional opportunities for exchange in Canada are available through the National Student Exchange (NSE) program. Eight campuses in six Canadian provinces are available for one semester or full year exchange. Contact National Student Exchange Office, 114 Hood House, (603) 862-3485 or visit www.unh.edu/nse.
Cambridge Summer Program
For six weeks each summer, students from across the United States have the opportunity to participate in the UNH Cambridge Summer Program held at Cambridge University in England. Program participants take courses in English, history, and the humanities, taught by faculty from Cambridge University and UNH. Students live, dine, study, and socialize together at Gonville and Caius College, one of the oldest colleges at Cambridge. The program is open to students who have successfully completed at least one year of college; participation fulfills UNH’s general education requirement under Group 5. For more information, contact the director at the Department of English, Cambridge Program Office, 53 Hamilton Smith Hall, www.unh.edu/cambridge.
Lancaster Exchange Program
Lancaster University is a comprehensive university similar to UNH in size, setting, and program offerings. The program allows students to spend a semester or a year in Lancaster while still making normal progress toward their UNH degree. Contact the Center for International Education, Hood House, (603) 862-2398 or e-mail study.abroad@unh.edu.
London Program
At Regent’s College in the heart of London, the University of New Hampshire sponsors courses in British studies, the arts, humanities, and a wide range of other basic subjects offered during the fall and spring semesters. Taught by British and American faculty members, many of the courses are specifically concerned with British studies or have a special British emphasis. The program allows students to spend a semester or year in London while still making normal progress toward their U.S. degrees. To be eligible, students must have successfully completed at least one year of college, declared a major, and achieved an overall grade-point average of at least 2.50. Interested students should contact the program coordinator, London Program Office, 53 Hamilton Smith Hall, www.unh.edu/london.
Summer French Language Program in Brest
Qualified students in any major may take the equivalent of FREN 503 and/or 504, the UNH intermediate French sequence, the equivalent of FREN 631 and/or 632, and/or FREN 695, a more advanced language course not offered on the UNH campus. A port city in the province of Brittany in western France, Brest is the sister city of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
The courses are offered summer only in intensive four-week sessions at the Centre International D’Etudes des Langes (CIEL). Students generally live with local families and attend classes a total of 24 hours per week. Credit for courses completed successfully will be automatically transferred to UNH. Application deadline is April 1 for June session and April 15 for July session. For more information contact Barbara Cooper, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Murkland Hall, (603) 862-3771, or visit the program Web site.
Junior Year Program in Dijon
The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures sponsors a junior year abroad program at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, France. Students generally live with French families in the heart of this historic city and take classes at the university with French students. Credit for all work completed successfully will be automatically transferred to UNH. The program is open to those who have completed FREN 631-632 and FREN 651-652, with a grade of B- or better. For more information, see Claire Malarte Feldman, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Murkland Hall, (603) 862-1303, or visit the program Web site.
French Program in Paris
A spring semester program for intermediate-level students in Paris, France (see FREN 582/682). The program is open to all qualified students at UNH who have completed FREN 503 or higher. Courses include one French language course and four additional courses taught in English; general education and French minor credit are available. The deadline for applications is October 15, therefore students interested in this program should consult with the UNH on-campus director in the late spring or early in the fall semester. Contact Juliette Rogers, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Murkland Hall, (603) 862-1068, or visit the program website.
German-Speaking Countries
Students may study for a semester or a full year through any approved American study abroad program or, in special cases, by applying directly to universities in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. Most programs require a minimum grade-point average of 3.00 and a B average in the major. Programs vary greatly in academic focus, size, language of instruction, living arrangements, services and extra-curricular programming provided, and cost. Some programs accept students only for a full year. Study abroad goals and requirements should be discussed with a German adviser as early as freshman year. Program and application materials may be obtained through the Center for International Education in Hood House. For credit in the German major or minor, the program must be conducted in German. After consultation with the major adviser and the study abroad adviser to establish possible UNH course equivalents and fulfillment of major and/or general education requirements, students submit a Prior Approval Form indicating the planned course of study abroad. To ensure proper credit transfer, especially if seeking to transfer credits directly from a university abroad without benefit of an American program, students should keep syllabi, course descriptions, and all written work. Students planning study at a university in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland should note major differences in academic calendar (Winter Semester October-February, Summer Session April-July) which may be shortened by the American sponsor university to accommodate U.S. academic calendars.
Junior Year Program in Salzburg, Austria
Students who have completed GERM 504 or equivalent may enroll for one or both semesters at the University of Salzburg through the New England Universities Consortium. UNH faculty contact person is Professor Ed Larkin, (603) 862-3549.
Intensive Language Courses through the Goethe Institut
Students needing to advance rapidly in proficiency beginning at any level and at any time of year may enroll at a Goethe Institut center in Germany for courses ranging from eight to 16 weeks and receive UNH equivalent credit depending on level of exam passed upon completion of course. UNH faculty contact person is Professor Mary Rhiel, (603) 862-0063 or CIE, (603) 862-2398, e-mail study.abroad@unh.edu.
German Internship
Students who have completed GERM 504 or equivalent may apply for an unpaid 4-8 credit internship placement in a German-speaking firm or organization. The internship does not alone fulfill the study abroad requirement for the major, but may count toward the minor and may be coupled with academic course work through UNH or any study abroad program to fulfill the major study abroad requirement. The faculty contact person is Professor Nancy Lukens, (603) 862-3450.
Justice Studies Program in Budapest
The UNH Budapest Program in Justice Studies is designed to introduce students interested in the field to a broader appreciation of the cross-cultural perspective. Each fall, fifteen UNH students spend the semester in residence at the Corvinus University of Budapest in Hungary. Hungary offers students an opportunity to witness first hand the evolution of a criminal justice system within a context of significant cultural, political, economic, and social change. Situated along the Danube in one of central Europe’s oldest cities, Corvinus offers a unique educational experience to students interested in the study of criminology, law and society, and the administration of justice. Under the supervision of a UNH faculty member also in residence, students carry a four course load, two of which are taught by the UNH faculty member. All courses are taught in English.
Eligible students must hold sophomore standing, have completed either SOC 515 or POLT 507, and one other course in the Justice Studies curriculum, and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50. Participating students will meet several times during the spring semester prior to the study abroad semester to prepare for the program. Interested students should contact the Budapest Program in the Justice Studies Office at (603) 862-1716, or visit the program Web site.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Exchange Program in Budapest
The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences has arranged an opportunity for its students to spend the fall semester of their junior year at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in Budapest, Hungary. Courses at BME are taught in English and receive prior approval for degree credit. Students studying at Budapest, therefore, can graduate on schedule at UNH. A general education course on the language, geography, and culture of Hungary, taken at BME, is strongly suggested. The foreign student office at BME will appoint a Hungarian adviser for each student and will assist in obtaining housing either in dormitories, or in apartments. Further information is available from the college’s educational assistant and the college’s academic counselor, Bobbi Gerry; or the coordinator of student programs, Center for International Education, Hood House, or Professor Andrzej Rucinski, Foreign Exchange Program Coordinator, (603) 862-1381. For more information, visit the program’s Web site at www.ceps.unh.edu/academics/budapest.html.
WSBE in Budapest
The Whittemore School of Business and Economics has partnered with the Corvinus University of Budapest (formerly Budapest University of Economics Sciences and Public Administration) to offer students a unique opportunity to live and study in beautiful Budapest, Hungary. This partnership allows WSBE students to take courses at CUB in the fall semester that directly transfers into the core of the Business Administration or Economics degrees and into most business options. This ensures that students can study abroad and graduate on time. Moreover, Budapest is developing into a commercial and financial center for many U.S. companies. Its importance for the U.S. economy is growing rapidly.
Students travel to Budapest in the last week of August. A WSBE faculty member meets students in Budapest and sets them up in apartments in the city that are close to the University. The school works to make the transition to life in a foreign culture as simple and easy as possible. Additionally, in the future a WSBE faculty member will be teaching at the CUB during the study abroad semester. For more information, visit the program's Web page at wsbe.unh.edu/study-abroad-budapest.
UNH-in-Italy in Ascoli Piceno
Students may participate in the UNH-in-Italy Program in the medieval city of Ascoli Piceno, for a semester, a year, or a summer session (see ITAL 685-686).
Academic Year Program. Students live either with Italian families or in apartments in the heart of the city and take UNH courses, taught in English, by UNH faculty. Students with advanced language skills may take courses taught in Italian. Internships are possible. There is no language prerequisite. Students must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.50 and at least sophomore standing. For further information, contact Piero Garofalo, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Murkland Hall, (603) 862-3769, www.unhinitaly.unh.edu.
Summer Program. UNH-in-Italy offers two different summer options. One is a four-week, 4-credit workshop in painting. The other is a five-week, 8-credit program in Italian studies. Students live in apartments in the historic center of the city. Field trips to such locations as Venice, Rome, Bologna, Perugia, Urbino, Florence, and Assisi are included. For further information regarding the painting workshop, contact Grant Drumheller, Department of Art and Art History, Paul Creative Arts Center, (603)862-1351. For further information regarding the Italian Studies Program, contact Scott Schnepf, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Murkland Hall, (603) 862-3769, www.unhinitaly.unh.edu.
Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka
Students may spend one or two semesters at Kansai Gaidai University in Osaka, Japan. Program participants study the Japanese language, business, politics, literature, fine arts, and other courses. Eligibility requirements include a 3.0 grade-point average and sophomore, junior, or senior standing. Contact the Center for International Education, Hood House, (603) 862-2398 or e-mail study.abroad@unh.edu.
Puebla Program
A six-week summer program in Puebla, Mexico open to all students who are interested in taking summer courses at the Universidad de Las Américas. Students must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.50. Credit for courses completed successfully will be transferred to UNH. For more information, contact Professor Lina Lee, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Murkland Hall, (603) 862-3123, or go to www.unh.edu/spanish/mexico.htm.
The Netherlands
Utrecht University
The Center for International Education administers an exchange program with Utrecht University, open to undergraduate and graduate students in all fields. Utrecht University is one of the top research universities in Europe, with the largest undergraduate population and the largest research budget in the Netherlands. The size, status, and international population of the university ensure that courses in all areas of study are offered in English. This is an especially good exchange for students wanting to combine a study abroad option with work in their majors.
Utrecht University has strengths in the sciences, especially in health care, the biological sciences, and physics. The veterinary program is the only one in Europe accredited in North America. The School of Economics offers programs in international business, marketing, and finance. The School of Law, open to qualified undergraduates, specializes in international law, comparative citizenship and immigration law, and comparative constitutional studies. In the humanities, advanced undergraduates and graduate students at all levels will find especially good opportunities in Atlantic History, linguistics, early modern studies, anthropology, international relations, women’s studies, museum studies, art, European cultural studies, studies in race, immigration, ethnicity, citizenship, justice studies, and American studies. Utrecht University also offers Dutch as a second language, from conversational to intensive and professional, for international students.
Located in an especially lovely section of central Holland, Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands. It has a classically old-Dutch city center with seventeenth-century buildings, a medieval church, several high-quality museums and terraced canals that encircle the old city. A university town since the medieval period, Utrecht has long enjoyed a vibrant student culture. Utrecht is easily navigable by foot, bicycle, and bus, and, as the center of the Dutch rail system, enjoys easy access to other cities in the Netherlands and Europe (Amsterdam is 35 minutes away; Paris three hours; London a day trip by plane). Interested students should contact the Center for International Education, Hood House, (603) 862-2398.
New Zealand
UNH-EcoQuest, New Zealand
In partnership with the UNH Department of Natural Resources, the EcoQuest Education Foundation offers an intensive program of applied field studies in ecology, resource management, and environmental policy. New Zealand offers an ideal context for multidisciplinary, field-oriented studies, with its rich cultural traditions, diverse ecosystems, expansive natural areas, and history of innovative approaches to resource management. EcoQuest students engage hands-on, in New Zealand’s restoration ecology and sustainable resource management initiatives. Semester participants have the opportunity to carry out directed research projects while working closely with a faculty mentor and in association with New Zealand research partners. The rural seaside campus is located about an hour’s drive southeast of Auckland. Students travel throughout New Zealand’s North and South Islands to learn more about the unique ecosystems and local culture.
Students may choose from a four-course, 15-week fall or spring term for 16 credit hours, or a two-course, five-week summer session for 8 credit hours. The UNH-EcoQuest Academic program coordinator is Dr. Kimberly Babbitt. Contact Donna Dowal, the UNH-EcoQuest director of admissions, (603) 862-2036.
Puerto Rico
Utudents may spend one or two semesters at one of eight campuses in Puerto Rico, through the National Student Exchange (NSE) program. While having the opportunity to learn in a Latin American environment, participants maintain their status as UNH students, pay UNH tuition, and will be able to graduate from UNH on schedule. The exchange is open to students arom all UNH majors. Since 80 percent of all courses at UPR are taught in Spanish, participants must provide proof ofbproficiencytin Spanish. Students must contact Paula DiNardo, National Student Exchange Office, 114 Hood House, (603) 862-3485 or visit www.unh.edu/nse.
Heriot-Watt University Exchange Program
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences students are eligible to participate in a spring semester exchange with Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. The current program is designed for civil and environmental engineering majors. For more information, contact Ray Cook at (603) 862-1411, or e-mail ray.cook@unh.edu.
Granada Program
The Granada Program is administered by the Spanish program of the University of New Hampshire. Students may spend one or two semesters in a program designed for those who have completed SPAN 631 or its equivalent, have a B average in Spanish and a cumulative grade-point average of 2.50, and have at least sophomore status. Courses taught by professors from the University of Granada fulfill requirements for the Spanish major and minor and general education requirements in humanities areas. Deadlines for fall applicants is March 1; for spring applicants, October 1. For further information, contact the Spanish program, Murkland Hall, or visit the program Web site.