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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2008-2009

University of New Hampshire at Manchester


Computer Information Systems (CIS)


Assistant Professor: Mihaela Sabin, Karla E. Vogel
Lecturer: Janine Jacques

The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems (CIS) prepares graduates with skills to work in the highly integrated field of computing systems and technology. The program focuses on functional areas of Information Technology (IT) that are used to manage computers, communications, and information resources within an organization. Students will:

•    Gain knowledge of computer information systems technology
•    Collaborate with individuals and groups on design and implementation of application solutions
•    Communicate effectively (written and oral) about deploying information technology
•    Review and critically evaluate current trends in computer technology to select appropriate solutions for specific organizational goals
•    Develop awareness of social and ethical issues in the computer profession.

Career opportunities for students with a CIS degree are varied, but may include such areas as database support and development, helpdesk manager, technical writer,  systems analyst, Web development, network administration, and IT training. Career options exist in a wide range of organizations as all businesses continue to implement information technology solutions.

The CIS program is based on three levels of information technology courses, a self designed concentration, and the General Education requirements of the University. The CIS core courses prepare graduates with a broad foundation in Computer Information Systems. The self-design concentration prepares students to explore a specific area of CIS application.

Suggested areas include: business, education, writing, or communications. Students select a concentration in consultation with their adviser  before their junior year.

Courses in Level One provide an understanding of the use of technology in organizations, develop competencies for personal productivity, and strengthen the student’s ability to work in the information marketplace. Students select 3 courses.

Level One
CIS 405, Introduction to the Internet and Web Authoring
CIS 411, Introduction to Computer Applications
CIS 425, Introduction to Computer Programming
CIS 515, Multimedia: Introduction and Applications.

Courses in Level Two build on the introductory experiences and expand functional competencies in CIS. Students select 4 courses.

Level Two
CIS 510, Fundamentals of Computer Information Systems
CIS 520, Database Design and Development
CIS 542, Operating System Applications
CIS 550, Network Concepts
CIS 560, Computer Law and Ethics
CIS 570, Web Applications Development
CIS 599, Special Topics: Advanced Web Authoring
CIS 599, Special Topics: Project Management

Courses in Level Three focus on CIS development, implementation and project management. Students select 3 courses.

Level Three
CIS 610, Systems Analysis and Design
CIS 615, Information Security
CIS 620, Network Administration and Maintenance
CIS 630, Application Programming using Java
CIS 650, System Implementation with DBMS
CIS 680, Internship

Students complete 128 credits.
10 courses in the General Education program (40 credits)
13 courses in CIS (52 credits)
4 courses in a required self-designed concentration (16 credits)
5 free electives. (20 credits)

Required courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C-.

Students must attain a minimum gpa of 2.0 in major courses required for graduation.Students must complete 24 credits of CIS courses in residence.

For additional information about the B.S. in Computer Information Systems, contact Mihaela Sabin, program coordinator, at (603) 641-4144, or by e-mail to; or contact the Office of Admissions at (603) 641-4150.

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