Community Service & Leadership  

CSL 200 - Technology for Community Service and Leadership
Credits: 2.00
This two-credit course will provide students with the skills needed to effectively use Microsoft Office and other related computer applications. During the second half of the semester, students will further develop their computer skills and their social science research skills by completing research assignments and other projects designed to enhance their understanding of the information available to them through web-based investigation.

CSL 201 - Introduction to Community Service and Leadership
Credits: 4.00
This course serves as the foundation course for the Community Service and Leadership Program. Students are introduced to current and historical definitions of community and "service" to the variety of organizations providing service within communities, and to the challenges facing leaders within community organizations as they work to address key problems. All students will participate in a variety of community placements during this course.

CSL 202 - Introduction to Nonprofit Organizations
Credits: 4.00
This practical course provides an overview of the unique responsibilities and practices needed to effectively manage a community-based nonprofit organization. Topics include: issues of organizational structure and staffing, strategic planning, board effectiveness, financial management, leadership roles and responsibilities, and public accountability.

CSL 203 - Organizing and Supervising Volunteers
Credits: 4.00
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, organize, and manage effective volunteer programs. Topics covered include: identifying organizational volunteer needs, recruiting, supervising, and motivating volunteers, integrating volunteers into the overall goals and services of an organization, and creating effective volunteer training programs. Students will explore resources available for creating a successful volunteer program and will research the variety of approaches to volunteer management that organizations currently use. Permission required.

CSL 204 - Managing Change and Conflict in Communities
Credits: 4.00
This course examines a variety of approaches to promoting and responding to community change. Through active participation and analysis of specific community initiatives, students will explore such topics as issue-identification, planning for change, power dynamics and conflict within diverse groups, strategies for action, lobbying, and influencing political action. Prereq: CSL 201, permission.

CSL 205 - Communication Within Communities
Credits: 4.00
This course focuses on the ways we influence--and are influenced by--others within the communities in which we live and participate. Students have the opportunity to analyze how a specific "real life" community issue is presented, interpreted, and resolved through various written and oral mediums. Additional coursework involves frequent writing and speaking assignments, with particular emphasis on the forms of persuasion that most commonly shape "community opinion." Students will also examine community newsletters and create at least one newsletter as a service to a community organization. Prereq: COM 209, 210 or Coreq: COM 210.

CSL 206 - Literature of Family and Community
Credits: 4.00
Through a wide range of readings, primarily fiction, this course examines what it means to be an individual living in the context of family and community. Students use these readings both to examine differing concepts of community and to explore how individuals and groups respond to the challenges of creating as well as changing their communities. Coursework involves critical analysis, group-led discussions, and frequent short papers. Prereq: COM 211.

CSL 207 - Introduction to Non-profit Budgeting and Accounting Practices
Credits: 3.00
This course is designed to help students understand the responsibilities of nonprofit financial management. It introduces key budgeting and accounting practices for community-based nonprofit organizations. Students will explore such topics as budget planning and development, budget design, roles and responsibilities of those involved in budgeting, and how to read and interpret financial data. Common nonprofit accounting principles and approaches will also be taught.

CSL 208 - Essentials of Fundraising for Community-Based Organizations
Credits: 2.00
The ability to raise funds is essential to all community-based and nonprofit organizations. This course is designed to provide students with the essential knowledge and skills to develop and execute a successful fundraising program. Topics covered include: prospect research, choosing fundraising strategies, common fundraising mistakes, maintaining relationships with donors, raising money by mail, personal solicitation, event planning, and other key approaches to raising money.

CSL 209 - Essentials of Grant Writing for Community-Based Organizations
Credits: 2.00
This course provides the information and skills necessary to research and apply for grants from government agencies, foundations, corporations, and other sources. Students will follow the process of grant-seeking from identifying need through application and follow up.

CSL 210 - Capstone Seminar
Credits: 4.00
This seminar provides the opportunity for students in their final semester to synthesize their learning and skills as they broaden their understanding of the political and social policy dimensions of community organizing and leadership. Each student will engage in a significant service project that will serve as the focal point for both skill application and issue analysis. Prereq: CSL 201, 202, 203, and CSL 205.

CSL 290 - Civic and Community Internship
Credits: 2.00 to 4.00
This internship is designed to promote experiential learning about community service and leadership through active involvement within a community organization. It provides students with an opportunity to build upon their skills and interests while developing an awareness of civic and community issues. In addition to participating in community projects, students are expected to reflect upon their experiences and to relate them to assigned reading. Each student will also complete a research project based on a problem encountered at the service site. Prereq: CSL 201 or permission of instructor.

CSL 297 - Work Experience
Career-related internship and/or training (minimum of 50 hours) that enhances previous course work and service-learning experiences in community organizing and leadership. Students may work with a community-based and/or nonprofit organization in a full or part-time position; participate in an internship with an organization that serves the needs of the community; attend UNH's Leadershap Program or other leadership programs to learn more about leadership, teambuilding, and other group management skills; create an independent project based on a specific interest; or work with a "for profit" company. Course focus is on learning new skills and developing deeper insights into the work of creating and sustaining community. Required for graduation. Prereq: CSL major. Cr/F.